I am thinking of picking up a cheapish Isuzu 3.1 diesel. is there anything in particular to watch out for!
Mar 11, 5:10am
diesel injector pumps alternator the list goes on. I think after thousands spent (and low kays in the beginning) that these are a pos. Many here disagree. Pity they didnt pick up the tab for mine that was regularly serviced and still sucked.
Mar 11, 5:15am
So if it is running Ok, it is still a risky proposition!
I accept that you may have had a bad run, but how common is that!
Mar 11, 5:16am
Did you have a 3.1 or a 3.0! generally the 3.1 are a good truck for the money, however they are getting a little old now. OP, make sure whatever you do, don't by the 3.0L later model they are hand grenades.
Mar 11, 5:19am
check that the turbo works, no excessive smoke, make sure the cooling system is in reasonable order and it's not overheating. make sure 4wd works. Make sure no diesel leaks from the pump. They are good value in the price bracket, but don't forget they are 20 or so years old now.
Mar 11, 5:55am
Thanks, it is quite local so I can check it out without too much hassle. I am considering other cheapies too.
Mar 11, 6:02am
Good advice, A matehas one that was bought for $2.5K a few years back and is used for launching the boat and general towing duties. I can't fault it's reliability but they do need to be maintained and I would recommend buying a new radiator ($230 and 20 minutes to fit)as cheap preventative maintenance.
Mar 11, 8:31am
Relative point IS you refer to 2 engines ONE has a precedent to being EXPENSIVE 2 maintain Injectors in cyl head gallery.NOT CHEAP2 REPAIR AND with mileage repairs are a given.K
Mar 11, 12:25pm
I have a 95 3.1 diesel and love it my one did cost me some money after purchasing from a dodgy car dealer but after spending a grand on it for new shocks etc I got it driving and running sweet. Just remember to oil change every 5000k's run a good dose of injector cleaner and biocide through the tank every now and then.
Mar 16, 12:11am
I bought a cheap 1996 3.1 Deisel last year for the boat ramp ut now use it as my main runabout. Just a new alternator and it doesn't miss a beat. 235K, engine great, no leaks and clean exhaust. Great fun offroad as well.
Mar 16, 12:33am
I paid 2 grand for a 95 3.1L4 years ago, spent another grand on a few wof issues,and other than baking it to the point where it nipped up (yes i'll admit i only glance at gauges occasionaly), it only cost me a radiator repair and it was back on the road again. Since that little eppisode 3 years ago, it hasnt missed a beat. Over 300,000ks now and i will probably get more than i paid for it when i sell it.
Imho, the 3.1l's are near bulletproof. Dont go near the 3.0L though. Whole different story
Mar 16, 12:59am
Bloody good truck.Water pump crapped itself but otherwise tows heavy loadsno worries.
Mar 22, 12:31pm
a clean radiator is a must on these
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