Xw/xy falcon front spolier

dollarreserves, Mar 8, 2:53pm
are they supposed to fit to the front crossmember or the bumper!

ozz1, Mar 8, 3:06pm
lower skirtpanel/.

dollarreserves, Mar 8, 3:08pm
doesnt have one

grangies, Mar 8, 3:11pm
From what I can see, the bolt onto the bottom of front guard, then either the cross member or some kind of sheet-metal panel under the bumper!

As standard, what is under the bumper! Is there are stone guard!

grangies, Mar 8, 3:14pm
If you do end up buying one, go for steel and have it painted well.

Fibreglass will be regretful.

dollarreserves, Mar 8, 3:29pm
i already have a fibreglass one. just trying to decide if i am looking at fitting wrong or if its poorly manufactured shape wise.

NZTools, Mar 8, 3:31pm
If you can look under the bumper and see the front crossmember, there is a panelsteel valance missing. The spoiler bolts to the bottom of the front gaurds and the valance.

dollarreserves, Mar 8, 3:35pm
cool, thanks for that. will get the man to make something up

jason18, Mar 8, 6:25pm
Whys that! My XA has a glass one. The XA is as low as hell and have never damaged it

elect70, Mar 8, 7:15pm
Xdvan had itscrewedup under thebumper withPK screws through ametal strip .& aLbracket on thegaurdwhere it wraps around.

rob_man, Mar 8, 10:55pm
That spoiler probably came out of a mould I made in the 80s from an original Ford item with the vinyl pattern. From memory the centre section is screwed to the radiator support.

lookoutas, Mar 9, 4:35pm
That's the answer. Too long ago to remember how they fitted tho.

Rob seems to be on the button.
Go to the Beach Hop - sure to be one there.

NZTools, Mar 9, 5:57pm
This is the panel the spolier screws to.


ozz1, Mar 9, 6:20pm
thatswat i said.but i couldnt be bothered getting a picture.:) :)

rob_man, Mar 9, 6:45pm
No it isn't, that's the filler panel above the bumper. I'm pretty sure they don't have a lower front panel. The bottom of the bumper is flush with the bottom of the front guards. As I recall, the ends of the spoiler bolt to the guard and there's an upturn flat section towards the centre of the spoiler which sits flat against the R/S panel. You may have to remove the bumper to fit the spoiler, it's been decades since I fitted one so I'm a bit sketchy on it.
Lookoutas has probably done a few as well.

lookoutas, Mar 9, 11:49pm
^ ez dead right again on the first count - wrong on the second count of "pretty sure".They don't have a lower valance.
Right from there on - except it would be pretty dumb of Ford to require removal of the front bumper to fit one.

dollarreserves, Mar 10, 4:21am
there is an upturn bit and i can see that the corners go to the guards but cant quite get where the center bolts to so all answers have been very helpful to me, cheers

darryl, Mar 10, 9:23pm
You can see in this pic of a spoiler kit, there are brackets needed .


Hope that helps a bit.

lookoutas, Mar 10, 11:46pm
That link sort'v answers the question of how it should be.
Do you have a one piece or two piece spoiler like the one shown!

Forget that other panel - it's nowhere near the bottom of the bumper. Best thing you can do is mount it to the guards, and then make up similar brackets as shown. You just need to use a bit of No 8 thinking of where to attach them for optimum strength.

In ref to an above suggestion - I made a panel steel spoiler for the front of my Camaro one Sat morning, back in the 70's - bolted it on while the paint was still wet and shot home in a hurry to head off to rugby. This meant I entered the driveway much faster than necessary, and the flash new spoiler hooked up, got ripped off and I ran over it!
Think it was a bit big, so the next one was a couple of inches shorter.

lookoutas, Mar 26, 2:52am
Had a look at one at the Beach Hop.
They mount onto the guards, and have a lip on the top that runs horizontal to the bottom of the front x-member. It is attached full width to the bottom plain of the X-member with plastic push-in clips. (494 type clips, to be exact - I would use 6mm tech bolts or screws)

xpfairmont, Mar 26, 5:35am
I wouldn't put one on. silly looking things.