Au falcon keeps cutting out

nobucks, Mar 9, 10:07pm
my blasted au falcon keeps cutting out when stopping at the lights,it wont dissenguage out of drive when slowing and just cuts out.It`ll start up and idle but cuts straight out when drive is selected.any ideas! Usually does this on a hot day and after driving for about 60min,more so if the aircon is switched on,car doesnt overheat.

unbeatabull, Mar 9, 10:13pm
Few things to check. Air Leaks, manifold gasket common.

Also common for throttle body to get carboned up. Remove air intake and throttle body and clean out.

Also the IACV (Idle Air Control Valve) Soleniod on top of the throttle body gets blocked up with carbon and burns it out resulting in it not working. Can be checked by starting and running car, and unplug and see if it makes any difference - no difference and it's faulty. DO NOT plug back in while engine is running as it will fry your ECU.

Also TMAP sensor common to go (if they still use them, I can't remember which specific model they got ride of the TMAP sensor in). Otherwise also Coil, spark plugs and leads should be checked.

meathead_timaru, Mar 9, 10:21pm
You don't say whether this has happened suddenly or gradually.

But it sounds like ISCV, as unbeatabull said. Try cleaning it with a throttle body cleaner as the first port of call.

nobucks, Mar 15, 8:55am
Damb! still does the same,replaced iacv and removed and cleaned throttle body.

howie69, Mar 15, 2:04pm
Did you disconnect the IACV (Idle Air Control Valve) and try running the motor as suggested. If you replaced with a new IACV then this probably not necessary. Could be a frustrating one here, maybe auto electrician may suggest something or check codes.

unbeatabull, Mar 15, 3:52pm
Have you re-set the idle after fitting a new IACV!

Check all the plugs, leads, coil packs. Check for air intake leaks, intake manifold is common to leak. You will need something that is strong enough to interrupt combustion, CRC BrakeClean IS NOT good enough. You will need something like Wynns brake clean or a specific Intake leak product.

Also check PCV Valve.