Finding stereo fuse in corolla

engelbert, Mar 4, 5:14pm
Hey my little boy stuck ten cents into the cigarette lighter of my 2005 corolla and now the stereo is dead.
the "map" on underside of fusebox doesn't seem to correspond with the actual fuse layout, i tried swapping a few but with no luck. any top tips! would it be 10/30/5 amp!

campbellluke, Mar 4, 5:19pm
Could be marked ACC for accessory. Which is cigarette lighter + radio. So, your cigarette lighter shouldn't be working. Should be a 15 amp fuse for the ACC.

Edit: The head unit may have a fuse at the back of the actual unit itself. But, I've never had one blow on me. Also 15A

kazbanz, Mar 4, 5:23pm
try turning the "map" upside down- If you look at a particular pattern of the fuzes you might be able to match it to the pattern on the lid.--Otherwise its a case of check each fuze one at a time

andy61, Mar 4, 6:25pm
Have you checked the fuses in the dashboard above the glovebox!(when glovebox lid is open)

engelbert, Mar 4, 10:57pm
thanks all, havent got my head inside the dash properly so will try all the above and report back.

thanks mr campbell i am worried he may have done the whole stereo on topof it so will follow that up too.

engelbert, Mar 8, 3:15pm
it was indeed. thanks very much!