Suzuki tyres and rims?

hawkeye30, Mar 3, 11:51pm
Ok as you can see by the time it is too late to ring tyre shops but thought i would ask you guys. I have a suzuki grand vitara and it has 215/75 r15 on it. They wont pass a warrent so i am looking for a set of 205's as i think it is "overwheeled" for my use! I have had all the variations of this saved as searches on trademe and hardly ever get any results. So my Question is where else would i get a set of rims and tyres! Or what else would fit! ie.lada rims! Thanks in advance. And yes it is mainly used as a shopping cart LOL

a.woodrow, Mar 4, 12:49am
Why do you think it is over tyred! is the speedo inaccurate or are you struggling to keep highway speeds! What was the factory size tyre! You don't want to be changing rims, and it would have to be a fairly significant change in size before you'll notice the difference in gearing

hawkeye30, Mar 4, 1:09am
The spare on the back (which is a diferent rim and tyre is only a 205). It has gotten wof's with these tyres on it but they are equal to the flares which are aftermarket ones. I dont have any trouble with speeds etc i just find it really hard taking off if wheels are on an angle. I know that sounds funny but i dont know how else to put it. They are also really heavy steel mags which i could sell and recoup some $ but cant sell until i get replacements! As it only gets used for me and taking kids down to the river (not through it) i feel i dont need big heavy duty tyres. I dont know what the factory tyre is but think it would be the 205 as that is what is on most of the ones i see round town Not that i am checking out other peoples tyres LOL

a.woodrow, Mar 4, 1:13am
What is the tyre size on the door pillar placard, drivers door!

hawkeye30, Mar 4, 1:23am
Wow didnt even know that was there! Hubby and kids clean car i just drive it! Anyway it has 205/70/R16 and also has 195sR15 above that. Now that is confusing to me, should it be on 15in rims or 16in rims! and can i drop it down to a 195! No acutally i think a 195 will be too small i dont want it to look too girly LOL Yes this is the female part of hawkeye30 here! Are any other rims suitable! I mean i know toyota stud pattern wont fit cause i tried that i think the lada rims fit on the front but not the back! The boys tried that so i cant remember!

pauldw, Mar 4, 2:22am
Why do you want to change rims! 205 75 R15 are about equivalent diameter to 205 70 r16 and will go on the rims you have.

cowlover, Mar 4, 5:39am
A 195R15 is exactly the right size for you - thats what the door sticker says, but you could use a 205/75R15 is pretty much the same.The down side is the 195R15 is a truck tyre and I would think would be a horrible choice for a light thing like a Vitara.So that leaves the best option as being the 205/75R15.The 215/75R15 is just slightly bigger in diameter.Which ever way you go you might get a bit of a shock when you see how much a new set of 4 is going to cost.

The sticker has a tyre for 16" and a tyre for 15" wheels.I guess they were a size option when new.

See this calc to wok it out

pnp, Mar 4, 3:12pm
I've got a set of 205-70-15's tyres on rims that I've been meaning to list on here for a while. The rims are currently painted red but could easily be painted to another colour if the red didn't suit!

hawkeye30, Mar 4, 11:53pm
Damn You are too far away! Thank you very very much tho. Put them on here and see what you can get for them. As i said i have had the tyres on saved searches and had bugga all come up! Surely other people want tyres like this! I might just buy two to go on the rims i have to get my wof and get the other two done for the next wof. They are all wearing down differently so i would say they have been replaced one by one. i prefer to replace two by two it seems to work better. Thank you very much everyone for your info, i finish work a bit earlyer tomorrow so will do the ring around tyre shops then. Not looking forward to the price i will have to pay tho! But do not want low tread going into winter!

pnp, Mar 5, 4:10am
Bugger, just searched where your location was. Yeah know what ya mean about buying in pairs. Mine are in 2 pairs - good tread left & all evenly worn, $400 for the lot. Rims have center caps. Bit of surface rust on the caps but could be re chromed or etch primed & painted as the rims were.

hawkeye30, Mar 6, 1:32am
Hm. Just had a ring round (well 2 places) I am not getting 215's! $220 a tyre! 205's are only $130 a tyre but that means i gotta replace all 4! Neva mind I need them so will get on the phone again tomorrow and ring the rest of the places to see if i can get them even cheaper LOL. Thanks for everyones help.

peril787b1, Mar 7, 4:17am
Being a 4wd, I'd be replacing all 4 at the same time to avoid undue load on the system What year is your grand vitara! Some of them are full time 4wd

hawkeye30, Mar 7, 11:47pm
It's a '94 and its a four door. Havent had a chance to do another ring around been working later than normal! Cant turn down the work if i have to do all four tho!