Economy drive on 2000 ford

bulldogod, Mar 7, 12:39am
so do you have the economy button on when driving around town and off on long trips!

desmodave, Mar 7, 1:02am
Off when you want power and economy on when your cruising or just going along for the ride. What difference between modes can you tell by the seat of your pants!.

grangies, Mar 7, 1:54am
On all the time.

Unless you are on a passing lane, and don't want the car to change to go into the final most economical drive.

bulldogod, Mar 7, 3:16am
Doesnt seem like it makes any differance when you change it over!

franc123, Mar 7, 3:40am
I think you'll find it does,you didn't state what car is it so presume AU Falcon! Try it in both positions and take note of when the trans upchanges happen, in ECON they happen much sooner for any given throttle opening/load.It can be a pain in hilly conditions as it will upshift too soon only to have to kick down again a short while later because the engines under too much load.

desmodave, Mar 7, 11:46am
What difference between modes can you tell by the seat of your pants!. I ask that because if they cant tell the difference, they are just going along for the ride and notdriving it. In an AU it makes a noticeable difference.