Anyone imported some race fairings for a motor

claire351, Mar 1, 11:18pm
bike from China on Ebay.Just wondering about quality.Cheers

noodleman4, Mar 1, 11:56pm
Who cares if its for a racebike ya gonna crash and repair it sometime.
If for a roadbike they prolly be fine, you may have to do minor mods around the mounts and screw holes and a bit of jiggle, but hey they're cheap right!
A friend brought a whole set for his 2004 GSXR he was happy as compared to ones priced from Mr Zuki.

planespotterhvn, Mar 2, 1:03am
A mate bought some direct from a website complete with paint and decals for very cheap.

richynuts, Mar 2, 1:23am
Mate bought some from china for his NC35, only $500 landed, paint was ok but not a very good match to original tank colour and was a terrible fit. He is a perfectionistand gave up trying to fit and boughta TYGA set also made in China but quality was far superior and well worth the $1600, though did include extras like tank cover and air ducts. Another mate also bought some cheaper chinese ABS fairings for a CBR100rr and was very happy, but bike fell over in theearthquake and 2 of the pieces shattered very easily and to buy the 2 extra pieces almost cost the same as buying another complete set. I think the cheaper fairings are ok if the bike does not have 15+ different pieces that have to all have to line up, probably ok for bikes with only 7 or so pieces, as they say you get what you pay for.