Ceramic Paint Finish?

dingo011, Feb 25, 1:11pm
As per a previous post regarding my parents buying a Mazda 3 Hatch back. The dealer has suggested having a ceramic finish applied to the paint which is supposed to help stop road film, polen etc sticking to the paint. Cost is $615 to have applied and I am not sure if this works or not! If it does work how long does it last! I hope someone can help me advise ma and pa.

rob_man, Feb 25, 5:24pm
The dealer gets to pocket a fair amount of that money and I'm not convinced it does much good anyway. The paint on your vehicle is quite capable of resisting damage for the first five years or so of its life without any help and if it wasn't I'd be asking the dealer why not.

a.woodrow, Feb 25, 5:25pm
Suggest to the dealer that if the cars paintjob isn't up to normal wear and tear you should probably look elsewhere. Then ask if they will apply the snake oil for free.

esprit, Feb 25, 5:27pm
Buy it and spend $80 getting a good polish and wax system and some good microfibres.

Wax it every couple of months and nothing will stick to it anyway.

racetoy, Feb 25, 5:34pm
I've been a car valet for 16 yearsand i havent seen any of those so called coatings thats worth a damn.You cant beat a good quality car wax

dingo011, Feb 25, 5:50pm
Thanks everyone, thats what I expected you would all say. Just someone trying to sell a $80 product for $600.