I think your mind is made up but for info I paid $45,000 for a 3000km demo Amarok Highline optioned with factory 19's, tuffdeck, towbar and leather - list was nearly $70k so it pays to shop around.
As for the 2 litre engine - I went to Fieldays yesterday, set the cruise at 100kph, car was running at 1700rpm and showing 6.8lts/100kms fuel use, yet it'll pull hard to 160kph in fourth and nearly 190 in fifth or sixth.
I'm not a VW fanboy but I really rate these trucks.
A Ranger might suit you better, they're very good and that 3.2 litre 5 cylinder engine is mighty. Be some good prices around on those soon.
PS: I had another look at the D-Max at Fieldays and I just don't see the appeal when the competition is so strong.
Good luck romajeto whatever you decide.
Mar 20, 2:49pm
Great Price.I should have said I do a lot Off road.and a bit biased because between my 1992 Isuzu Bighorn and 2005 Rodeo I have done 700000km without putting a spanner on them apart from shocks and spring bushes.and regular services.Can't get past that proven Isuzu donk.Cheers.
Amarok went past yesterday - sounded sooo knocky. Was horrible.
Mar 21, 9:00pm
Cool thanks hpaul.Says in the article they used the previous model d-max which is a shame.I know they launching into South Africa Any day now.would have been interesting.
Mar 22, 5:33pm
Can't be as bad as my 2006 Hilux. McD's and BKregularly politely ask me to turn my engine off at the drive through because they can't here me over my tractor engine.
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