Truck fleet wash

julz105, Mar 16, 6:56pm
does any one the best truck fleet wash out apart from ct18 need to get a 200ltre drum of some dam good stuff spray on blast off no brushing.cheers

gmnshprd, Mar 16, 9:06pm
Shame your not in South Island. We use Touchless Cleaning. They make their own fleetwash and will even tweak it to your needs. It's perfect for our lazy drivers lol they just soap truck up and go have a coffee then come crack and waterblast it off.

flashgordon_nz, Mar 17, 4:33am
Hmmmm, ive had mixed esults, but know of a few outfits using the XT88 from up your way. we have a 1000L pod that is mixed in with our pressure washer at the depot. uses an "andrews fleet wash" product.

I personally use the citris based "TUFF" from appco, mix it 1:10 with water and spray it on with a garden sprayer, scrub, then pressure wash it off.
But also recently stumbled accross a TERGO wash/degreaser (purple in coulor) and using the same mix, that does a fantastic job also!
Used on curtain sider truck, van, ute, couple of race cars etc.