Ford to quit v8supercars

floscey, Mar 27, 3:23pm
Auto action magazine say Ford will quit V8supercars .

Can the series survive without Ford ! will the other manufacturers hang in there !

COTF looking like a failure so far.
The red fanboys will be wrapped with a new commodore cup series.

kokako14, Mar 27, 3:30pm
Got a link for the story!

floscey, Mar 27, 3:31pm

swfc1867, Mar 27, 4:21pm
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they talking about pulling factory backing, not about leaving the series!

mopsy3, Mar 27, 4:23pm
Exactly. Ford have been slowly pulling their factory support back for years. Part of why SBR fell apart. It is still up to individual teams and sponsors what brand they will run.

floscey, Mar 27, 4:28pm
Just using the same sensationalised heading they put on the cover of the magazine.

hawat, Mar 28, 4:31am
They did that before when Dick Johnston was still driving. He had to go to another make didn't he! It was round about the time when he had that spectacular crash at the top of conrod or actually coming out of forest elbow.