Best small car for lady

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fordcrzy, Mar 30, 9:13pm
also you could look at ford Fiesta of around 2006 year. great cars. just as good as a swift and a bit more gruny than the 1500 swifts.

tigra, Mar 31, 2:41am
A Toyota was "amazing" - amazing!

annrob, Mar 31, 7:19pm
Yeah, it had cool new features like working brakes, actual suspension and I can actually get to work 5/5 days without having a breakdown. amazing!

guest, Sep 25, 6:43pm
, Speak now is my favorite album to lietsn to but I wish she could recapture the magic between music, lyrics, and production that was on every track off fearless. Thus far, none of the red tracks have that. (but I do love the offerings so far, they're fun) I think if she wrote with her older adult self singing these songs in mind, she would produce amazing music.

guest, Sep 26, 12:54pm
Whats wrong with fixing soenthimg that's not broken is that it inevitably becomes stale. If you can't be progressive or creative as an artist your share of the market will drop. It's just a matter of time. Innovators make change and stick around. Adding auto tune is not innovative. She's an adult singing about childish crap. Her shtick is old.

guest, Sep 28, 10:23am
I personally don't like soueirs music, about politics, heavy issues, or overly angsty music, I can appreciate their messages, but I prefer to zone out when listening to music, Her singles are about love, but she does have a few tracks about friends, family, growing up, etc.