So now I've come to terms with the fact (through help of this forum) it would be silly to take my Tiguan with me to AUS, I'm looking at what I'd buy over there (~30k).
Obvious first choice is a Tiguan, so the same, but maybe a bit newer. Hard to get the R-Line version but dems the breaks.
Then I saw that for about another 5k I could get a Audi Q3, which I prefer the aesthetics of. Just wondering if maintenance/servicing/parts costs go up dramatically with Audi over VW?
Or. any other thoughts on them vs each other.
Apr 28, 8:10pm
you need to find a professional service place with rosstech diagnostic or oem v-a-g equipment. Audi used to be way more expensive for the same parts then vw in the 1980s and 90s. dont know if that is still the case. also depending where you live in australia the desert is huge i would not want to brake down with a electronic fault in the middle of know where. I just seen a program like intrepid jurney afganistan and these countrys. they used to have all Diesel 4x4 in these programs so i was suinting my eyes at what nissan they had and it was a petrol model , the diesel are far more likely to fail then the petrols unless of course you run a old mechanical diesel in the desert.
Apr 28, 8:58pm
The servicing costs would totally depend on if you went to the dealership or an independant garage. They should be the same price to service and buy parts for as they are effectively the same vehicle apart from the badge on the front.
Apr 28, 10:52pm
They are the same car as the Tiguan wearing a different party dress and with the possibility of some nicer options.
So, assuming like for like engine/transmission option, servicing costs are going to be exactly the same. Obviously if the Q3 has some extra options your particular Tiguan did not then those may have an extra cost to repair. But overall, here nor there between them, or at least they should be with an honest dealer/specialist. Hope that helps.
Apr 29, 6:08pm
Thanks guys.
It seems to be a lot easier to find the petrol model in both here. Jazz, which would be your preference? (TDI, TFSI)
Apr 29, 7:40pm
both suffere " similar" egr problems both are direct injectors . in australia you would want a lpg and fsi is not good for gas conversions as far as i know no conversions exist for direct injectors like this. you want lpg injection. not the old inefficient system with the fsi or Turbo fsi you need 96 98 octane minimum and ethanol is another problem in both petrol and diesel fuels you would want to research what they put in the fuel over there.
Feb 19, 11:07am
Both are great, not sure how the math works out for the Diesel in Australia. Over here with our RUC system it can be a bit here nor there on the smaller VW's as their petrols are so incredibly efficient.
So unless I was towing something particularly heavy on a regular basis it would probably just come down to purchase and running cost or if I particularly liked the drive/feel of one or the other.
Can't really go too far wrong with either. Just make sure you run the petrol on the highest octane available and in my opinion you should avoid biofuel blends if at all possible.
Edit. I probably should mention. The 2.0 Petrol and the diesel options are generally belt driven vs chain on some other options. I wouldn't let that be a factor for me personally, the very occasional extra cost is really here nor there in the scheme of things. I thought I should mention it though.
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