Its a Ford

missrat, May 22, 12:57am

beetle1234, May 22, 1:04am
Bloody cool,could you imagine going for a WOF, a shit to do a wheel alighnment on tho.

missrat, May 22, 1:12am
Yep be a bit tricky

intrade, May 22, 1:19am
yea quite cool.

morrisjvan, May 22, 1:32am
just because you can , doesn't mean you should !

marmar1, May 22, 2:11am
All to there own,but would be great to see it driving down the road.

cagivachick1, May 22, 4:38am
no seatbelts?

tamarillo, Jan 18, 4:44am
Ok it's op that's bored and posted this twice! Maybe his brother?