Motor Bike GPS?

dingo011, Jan 14, 4:35pm
Have a south Island tour coming up in March. As we will be using the back roads or those deemed more interesting. I thought that a GPS would come in handy. Tomtom and Garmin have options for $800+ but wondered if others had used Google Maps on a smartphone in a waterproof holder?

berg, Jan 14, 8:11pm
TSS do a really nice waterproof holder

dingo011, Jan 14, 8:22pm
Thanks Berg, I assume you are meaning TSS Red Baron in Lower Hutt? Do you know if the waterproof holder allows for a poer supply? Google maps eats the battery on my phone so would last long without power going in.

iluvmuse, Jan 14, 9:49pm
I've used a cellophane pocket (gift cards come in them) and twisted it around the charger cord. Still allows "touch", I don't think a zip-lock bag did on my phone.

berg, Jan 26, 4:33am
Yep, TSS over your way. It clamps to your bars or trees and has a grommeted hole to allow a power feed. I've fitted waterproof cig lighter plugs to our bikes, relayed to only work when the key is on to power our up.