Wondering if anyone has any ideas - Ive tried a few plumbers even ha ha, such is the desperation - I really dont want to run a fuel block and hoses - rather this style a lot tidier - hell it doesnt even need a return on this model Zephyr
Nov 9, 6:48pm
If you can find an old school fridgie he'll have the skills to make one out of bundy tubing and eazyflow.
Nov 9, 7:04pm
Yep thats what I need
Nov 9, 8:47pm
Easy done in fridge grade copper tube , the brackets hardest bit . . If you can draw plan of them anyone with a press brake could make them .
I made mine out of a length of 3/4 conduit. Brazed three nipples in where ness, blocked the back end off with a cut-down frost plug (for style) brazed an intake nipple into the front, welded on a couple of mounting brackets, and got it chromed.
That way - the tube fills up, then equally distributes to the jugs.
"Too flash"
Com'on zeph, you should have those skills.
Nov 10, 2:52am
Looks like someone started with a VT Commodore onwards power steering cooler pipe & added 2 takeoffs to it
Nov 10, 4:18am
mEH juss dunno HOW YA GUNNA FEED DA THIRD CARB BRA Wif dat unit in da pic-lol End of the day made plenty of wat ya want simple and easy AND TIDY. (Shock-Horror)-lol
Larger bore primary tube- simply measure and mark- rape a few vestal virgin pieces of the old jappa power steer piping with the ole plumbers crox flare and drill ya larger bore-insert and silfloss-easy peasy- Sheesh BOI-ya been in managment and playin kiddiwinnks too long- juss like doin brake piping- And brackets-again measure mark build and sillfloss. NOTE1. Personal recomendation is larger bore primary-fuel entry in the middle and smaller bore to carbs -and the ole crox flare. K 3 carbs-HAVE? YA GOTTZZZ A RAYYMOND MAIZE HEAD YA HOUER? LOL p.s.-Simply ageee with sr2 on this one-LOL
Nov 10, 3:52pm
Ha ha I know I know, Im just mental busy and was throwing a worm out hoping to snag someone that wanted to come and do it for $$$
Righto back to the plan
Nov 11, 10:43pm
Where ya at?
You need an equalizing tube as I explained, otherwise one carby could get more fuel than the others - or one could starve.
Used to have a flash triple carb manifold on my Mk I. Think the name cast into it was Klenig Sydney. (or something like that) Google knows nothing. It was finned alloy and had a water jacket around the outside. Was so disappointed when I bought the Mk 3 engine and it wouldn't fit.
Sold it to a mate, and it was pinched along with the Jolly widened wheels etc. I stumbled onto the pinchers when they pulled up at another mates place in Auckland while I was there, with the wheels on their car! So the cops found it and it finished up hanging on the wall in his workshop. He doesn't know what happened to it after that.
Nov 11, 10:54pm
Sounds mint mate!
A friend of mine is making us an alloy fuel log (like a EFI setup) with three fittings to allow for hose to go to carbs - running SU's so you know how tiny the pipe is that delivers fuel - hes going to make the log quite big with a nice fitting up to it, electric pump around 6psi
Oct 25, 7:33pm
Electric will make sure of the fuel anyway. I was only running the old Z pump.
You probably know the story about my car anyway, but I put triple side draft Stomberg's on the Mk 3 engine. It went like stink up top, but the low-down torque was crap. After spending a week at Trade School in Auckland and driving around the inner city, I came home for the weekend and stuck the old standard intake on with a twin-choke Weber. Went just as good, had a squirt of gas when needed, so was much more user friendly. Never changed it back, and sold the triple setup with no regrets.
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