Question on new plywood trailer deck

kaconda, Feb 16, 10:20pm
I have bought a 1200 x 2400 18mm H3 plywood sheet to replace my old rotting deck. Do I need to further treat the sheet to improve durability prior to installing? It is kept outside in the weather. cheers.

40wav, Feb 16, 10:24pm
I did the same on mine about 5 years ago and didn't do anything to the wood. I leave it outside, get firewood, and have greenwaste sitting on there for longer than I should and the ply is still fine. I see it as a 'consumable' as part of owning a trailer, but it does last surprisingly long.

gunhand, Feb 16, 10:24pm
Ive only replaced my plywood deck once in 30 years. And mine lives outside and can have wet crap on it for weeks.

kazbanz, Feb 16, 11:12pm
The plywood being H3 will be fine. BUT whilst you have the deck out I'd be cleaning up and repainting the supporting structure if needs be

stevo2, Feb 16, 11:59pm
Ideally you should buy a roll of supercoarse from Mega10 or wherever (about $15 for 20mt) and put a layer between the steel and the tanalised ply.
The acids in the tanalising will eat into the steel over time

budgel, Feb 17, 2:17am
It is always a good idea to seal the edges of ply as it may delaminate even if it doesnt rot being H3. A coat of paint isnt a bad idea either.

mrcat1, Feb 17, 3:00am
Give it a dose of creosote or waste oil to help it last longer.

serf407, Jun 12, 12:56pm
Drill holes in the front or leave a gap in the front so water does not pool in areas.