We have a 2010 Camry that appears to have blown the fuse that supplies the AUX outlet. That is the one that you (in an older car) plug the ciggy lighter into. We use it to plug in phone chargers and the like. Have pulled all the fuses I can find but cant find a dead one anywhere. Is there any other fuse boxes in these cars other than the one under the bonnet. I cant find one. Have looked in the manual but it does not appear to even mention this outlet in the fuses list. Any help is appreciated.
Jul 21, 12:51am
I had a mitsi years back and that had a fusable link behind the cig lighter socket, that will only blow if high load or short, could be the same for yours.
Jul 21, 12:54am
Tried under dash, have a look at this , just on other side to this vid (o:
2010 i dont know if that already uses ultra thin wiring . the corolla clarkson had rented remember that one that has ultra thin wiring. So what can happen is the wireing will melt apart if you overload it .
Jul 21, 1:15am
On a side note, you know there is a second usb plug in the back of the center / dash console pocket? Hard to see if ya don't know it's there. Is it working? Well, i'm sure its in 2010s lol
Jul 21, 1:22am
what is the fuse look like 3 prongs when you pull it?
Jul 21, 2:06am
Hi intrade. The fuses are all tiny little transperent plastic things with wire inside. But I have no idea which one is used and the manual does not appear to say. It has a massive list of what does what and a drawings of where they are in the fuse box under the hood but I have not found a dead one or one that says it specifically is for the aux socket. Gunhand, I have seen the other one but we dont use it and dont have anything to plug in it anyway.
Found it. On left hand side down under the glove box. A blown fuse.
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