De-regisistering a motorbike

jojo76, Apr 22, 3:27pm
We are picking up a road registered bike today, but we are using it on farm. So is it best to get the seller to de-register it or do the change of ownership then we do it?

kazbanz, Apr 22, 3:37pm
Why deregister it at all? You can do Change of registered owner then put the rego on hold for 12 months at a time.
if you do decide to deregister it I'd do it myself to ensure it has been done

unideck, Apr 22, 3:56pm
Hey Jojo Kaz is right, do it yourself. Just remember when and if you decide to sell it in the future it will be worth a decent amount more with a rego than without. My advise is pop it on hold - its free :)

motorboy2011, Apr 22, 4:27pm
That rego could come in handy if you find a tidy dereg bike of the same model.

tony9, Apr 22, 9:31pm
No one would ever do that - it is not legal to swap plates.

pge, Apr 22, 10:38pm
Don't have to act illegally.

Just 'reframe' or 're-engine' the one that is on-hold.

muzz67, Apr 23, 1:21am
Put in on 'farm reg', so you can still use it up to 30km from farm.
$30 a year?

froggyb, Feb 28, 5:02am
not to mention that if the current owner de registers the bike before you buy it you cannot change the ownership on a deregistered vehicle as it is no longer " live "