2 idiot motor bike riders

differentthings, Jun 28, 9:11pm
I feel sorry for the kids. It's a shame the 2nd one didn't get collected as well.

kazbanz, Jun 28, 9:45pm
IF the rider ran a red light then I agree. However if they didn't and the car driver was running the red then different story.
seems strange that two bikes would deliberately run red lights with traffic coming

differentthings, Jun 28, 10:29pm
I don't know that road, but you can tell the bikes ran a red light.

ladatrouble, Jun 28, 10:45pm
The 2nd rider knows something is up and slows down, but still goes through. Did he have a green and the cars not, or was he concentrating on what he was seeing and not the light?

trogedon, Jun 28, 10:50pm
Bikers at fault - ran red and speeding. Dangerous pricks.

tub4, Jun 28, 11:29pm
Seems pretty clear the motorcyclist ran the red, not the brightest bulb in the box but don't think we need to worry about him reoffending

pico42, Jun 28, 11:54pm
I saw this on the TV news earlier this week - the report was pretty clear that he had run a red light.
And I know the piece of road - it is a pretty clear area for visibility, road is quite new, nothing untoward in road surface. Only thing is that it climbs up through the intersection.
I think he decided he would just float through the light, but focused on going behind the first car (which he looked to have lined up) and didn't have any attention on the van. Perhaps compounded by the van being a little obscured and the van also being able to get some speed up given where it started from.
Not sure why the second bike decided to go through as well having seen the first one go down? Perhaps it was his mate and he went to assist?

tgray, Jun 29, 12:29am
Second rider was a whisker from suffering the same fate.

muzz67, Jun 29, 12:36am
Perhaps sunstrike on the led traffic lights?
If not,, then no great loss.

pico42, Jun 29, 6:09am
That is actually entirely possible.

brapbrap8, Jun 29, 6:19am
How would that account for them attempting to weave through the cars crossing the intersection?
Surely if you couldn't se the lights, but there was traffic crossing in front of you, you would asume you had a red light?

pico42, Jun 29, 2:35pm
I really only looked at the sun angle and the fact the lights are LED.
Presuming for a moment that was the cause, the motorcyclist would be acting on the presumption that he could go and, upon seeing a car coming out, reacted accordingly to avoid the first one. But the van came out second and quicker.
All speculative though. I haven't seen any follow-up reports on what the motorcyclist says about it all.

noswalg, Jun 29, 3:07pm
Whats the speed limit on that stretch of road? He was going pretty quick. I would say its a case of an inexperienced 23yo on a sports bike going way to quick while racing his mate gets into a situation, freaks out target fixation kicks in and he flukes it through the gap. The 2nd rider looks to have seen the intersection and slows for it at first. I would say it comes down to 2 guys who should probably stick to 4 wheels instead of 2.

trogedon, Jun 29, 4:02pm
Stick to training wheels.

elect70, Jun 29, 9:00pm
2 killed yesterday at end of the terrace tunnel wgtn .

pico42, Jun 29, 9:11pm
60km/hr, from memory.

mardyyy, Jul 1, 1:27am
Bit weird. Neither biker looks to be very clued up. If you intend running red lights first rule is make sure the intersection is empty. First bike was looked like wasn't expecting an intersection to be there. Even if the rider was going to run a red light there was traffic already in the intersection, dumb. Sun strike could explain it. As for second rider same stupid act as first one.

steveo351, Jul 1, 10:39pm
What I see from idiot bike riders its amazing more don??

elect70, Jul 2, 9:39pm
^^^ thats why they are called temporary NZers & ACC levies so high .

loose.unit8, Jul 2, 9:49pm
That's not why ACC levies are so high

trogedon, Jul 2, 10:59pm

pico42, Jul 2, 11:17pm
The two motorcyclists being discussed were in Brisbane.

tamarillo, Mar 31, 12:23pm
Agree, there's more to this story somewhere, just too weird.