LEGO Mk3 Land Rover

richardmayes, Dec 17, 5:46pm

LEGO will consider making this if enough people register on their website and "LIKE" the proposal.

Gets my vote.

dublo, Dec 17, 8:56pm
Looks even more rugged than a real Land Rover.
I recall my sons had a Lego sports or racing car; working steering, suspension, and gearbox, but the V4 engine had SQUARE cylinders and pistons!

two9s, Dec 17, 10:19pm
Its Series 3, not Mk 3:)

pzkpfw, Dec 18, 9:43pm
Try this one:

(Defender 110, more "technic" involved.)

richardmayes, Dec 18, 9:49pm
Actually, yes THAT one!

motorboy2011, May 23, 8:16pm
try this Lego kit, rear mounted V8 engine, 4 speed syncro box, 4 wheel drive, 4 wheel steer, 4 wheel IRS, 3x diffs.