Washing your car

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trogedon, Aug 29, 3:40am
Pity all the window washers at intersections (NOT).

3tomany, Aug 29, 3:41am
Very true and the sports fundraiser will be goneburgers. Those idiot greenies employed by council should trash the prius company car and get a life.

trogedon, Aug 29, 3:42am
Pity the neighbour's cats that pee on our car wheels. I love taking things to the nth degree.

tintop, Aug 29, 4:06am
Hard case - a local council looks into ways of reducing the amount of pollution entering a harbor and waterways - and a bunch act as if it is the end of the world! lol

franc123, Aug 29, 4:20am
Why specifically target vehicle cleaning? Because its an easy thing to pick on that's why. There are far worse potential causes of stormwater contamination than detergent runoff, but apparently letting the soil soak it up instead is fine? Its still contamination!

tintop, Aug 29, 4:25am
Its identifiable and readily addressed.
Its also an indication to residents that pollution of waterways is a problem that needs attention, something that they can take part in. .
A start needs to be made somewhere.

dublo, Aug 29, 4:34am
Personally, I seldom use car-washing detergent - only if the cars are exceptionally dirty. Weekly (well, almost weekly. ) spraying with the hose and then going from top to bottom with the wash brush attached usually does the job and the wax coating lasts for many months. Our local tap water is loaded with calcium silicate so I use a bath towel to completely dry the cars to ensure no residue is left.

intrade, Aug 29, 5:01am
OK so charging a fee and giving fines is going to clean the so called toxic waste?
If it was about environment they would fit storm water treatment plants in place but hey that won't gather revenue for the thugs

tintop, Aug 29, 5:18am
Get the easy low cost things done first.
Build public awareness.

dinx, Aug 29, 5:32am
If you can collect the run-off and divert into your lawn or waste water they won't care, they have acknowledged that, they have even said on council berm/curbside lawn is fine too as long as its just for washing and not there "too long", aka we are not promoting defacto additional parking spaces on council land.

They just dont want anything except stormwater going into stormwatwer drains, not unreasonable given the council has estuaries & waterways they are responsible for etc

The problem is what is being washed into stormwater which goes into waterways untreated. Its not new, Wgtn Council stopped the mall in Jville from allowing community carwashes years ago due to runoff. As I understand it the mall or someone then did required work to bring the site drainage up to standard on the old service station site to it could again be used for community fundraising carwashing.


kindajojo, Aug 29, 5:42am
I think it's great that now the townies are getting the same restrictions dairy farmers have had for years. hope those who ignore the regulation get fined the same as the farmers.

dinx, Aug 29, 5:48am
There is a massive market for a coin operated DIY/self service carwash places in Wellington, the nearest one is Masterton but they are not uncommon in other parts of NZ. I'd rather pay for that than a $10 drive thru one anyhow, they just need correct waste disposal/recycling.

tintop, Aug 29, 5:50am
Lol ! I think it would be hard to equate one car to a 500 cow herd.

Mind you the repeat piggery offender at Te Aroha lost a few bob.

kevymtnz, Aug 29, 5:56am
then they need to stop consenting houses with concrete straight to the road and no grass

tgray, Aug 29, 3:20pm
PC crap is seeping across the oceans and now washing up on our shores. OK, bad metaphor.

jkm, Aug 29, 3:27pm
yup - all new houses will have to have a 1m grass isolation strip across the driveway.

kiwitrader43, Aug 29, 5:03pm
So Mr/Mrs/Ms faceless council person. Is it still O.K. to have our houses chem washed and spray 30 seconds 'spray and walk away' deck, fence and driveway cleaner everywhere? or is that taboo too?

elect70, Aug 29, 9:02pm
^^ shsh they might hear you . Id like to see Palmy council try it , they allow tons of waste from industry into the Manawatu daily .

kindajojo, Aug 30, 1:49am
Not really . what is the stocking rate of people per acre in the city, each one creating effluent, pouring dish washing powder, shampoo, detergent, and other chemical laden fluids into the sewerage system, washing their cars , spraying their roses , lawns, with chemicals, pouring hydrocarbons into the atmosphere . v stocking rate of cows in a dairy farm.

socram, Aug 30, 2:10am
Do that in Auckland for more than two minutes and some Jobsworth will come along and slap a ticket on it for parking on the berm.

As a rule, I only wash the wheels about every two or three weeks anyway, the rest of the vehicle about 4 times a year and clean the windows weekly with a window spray. Not exactly a major pollution problem with about a table-spoon of Simple Green in the water. More pollution from the brake dust that gets washed out not to mention whatever crud that comes out the exhaust pipes, than any cleaning materials.

tintop, Aug 30, 2:55am
lol - Yes, and interesting concept. Certainly human stocking rate would be higher. The difference of course it that with sewerage schemes there is treatment of effluent which mitigates effects to a large extent.
To really compare like with like - teach cows to use a loo huh ?

Oh - and my hilux still has the original lifestyle block mud from 8 years ago still sticking to it. :)

xs1100, Aug 30, 4:22am
hahaha I wash my car weekly and actually park it on the council owned berm (according to them they own it) and don't mind it running in to their grass

969pnz, Aug 18, 12:12pm
Send the council a bill for having to remove the crud your vehicle has accumulated within the public roading network.