Washing your car

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elect70, Aug 28, 5:32pm
I see Porirua CC are going to pass bylaw preventing people washing their cars in the driveway with it flowing into the stormwater. Says plenty of commercial car washing facilities they can use that recycle waste water . If they get away with it can bet other councils will follow .

bjmh, Aug 28, 6:04pm
I had to get a toxic waste discharge consent for workshop,i have been in business since 1980. our local council went down this route 3 yrs ago. cost $300 initially. then $180 per year.This year they have stopped charging the fee ,but have put a toxic waste discharge fee on all rateable propertys.They have been saying all this time that they are trying to stop the wrong things going in stormwater.So now they are getting a fee from everyone,but don't have a clue what is discharged.I recycle everything so scratched my head as to what my toxic waste was.

stevel_knievel, Aug 28, 6:17pm
Can you park in on your lawn and wash it?

tamarillo, Aug 28, 6:28pm
Citizens rise up and stop this crap. Mass car wash on street out side council offices.

bjmh, Aug 28, 6:32pm
apparently this is law in some aussie states.?

galex, Aug 28, 6:32pm
Yes, so only people with lawns or those who can afford to go to the car wash will have clean cars. or go to a public park and clean your car there!. Councils are run by idiots

kazbanz, Aug 28, 7:56pm
I don't see the problem with the law change.
Mind you the sump system here to prevent runoff into the stormwater cost around 70k.
IMO rather than a blanket ban I think all driveways should have a washing area where the suds etc run into the sewer rather than the stormwater system.

melonhead1, Aug 28, 8:02pm
Get Effed council.

franc123, Aug 28, 8:03pm
Interesting isn't it people that this is suddenly a problem now after over 100 years of motor vehicle useage and driveway DIY cleaning in this country, and coincidentally a number of commercial operators have gradually sprung up with oh so convenient drive thorough facilities to cater to those who don't use the service station style car washes and would rather do it the proper way. I smell a rat.

kazbanz, Aug 28, 8:03pm
hey lets not care that we are polluting our major food source

edbabynz, Aug 28, 8:20pm
The reason most people down here are up in arms is because this has just come from nowhere and it appears to many that the council just makes up the rules as it goes along. Spend 6-700k on a house down here and you'll be forking out 100 bucks a week in rates for the privilege. The council get there utes hand washed and valeted at the local cleaner at 92 bucks a pop. lol

richardmayes, Aug 28, 8:45pm
Remember, ratepayers, you exist to serve your council, not the other way around.

elect70, Aug 28, 10:42pm
Anyway who is says the car washing materials are toxic , have they done any tests . probably more toxins from exhaust particles washing into stormwater . If it was a water conservation measure then I could understand that I know aussie wont let you do it for that reason .

mm12345, Aug 28, 11:10pm
Yes - they will have done tests. I know the chemicals in car-wash that are probably concerning them, but the tests on toxicity "in vitro" are probably irrelevant to determining actual harm in a dynamic system as described. It's a very common mistake. They will be looking at data for LC:50 or LC:100 when dosed to a test tank with clean water and jumping to frightening conclusions. Add dirt and/or organic matter (which will be there) and the result will be very different/less harmful.

tony9, Aug 28, 11:42pm
Yes, and it is the law here. Most regional councils do not allow the disposal of waste water of any kind in the stormwater system.

40 Years ago I remember people complaining about it.

From time to time someone in authority whinge about it, very rare for a domestic problem going to court, but it can.

lookoutas, Aug 29, 12:01am
The Insurance Co's expect us to wash their clients/our customers vehicles all for nothing before we give them back.

Sorry customers - we're not allowed to do it any more.
Get stuffed Insurance Co's.

kazbanz, Aug 29, 12:26am
But if its a commercial premises you are sopposed to have an area for stuff like that.

lookoutas, Aug 29, 12:51am
Hell yeah - on the cobble stones out the front. And it cleans them at the same time.
If we go around the back, it gets to the same place sooner or later.

We use bio-degradable wash.
If we say so.

3tomany, Aug 29, 1:58am
yes I understand this is recommended practice the grass will love the nutrients in the detergent

franc123, Aug 29, 2:03am
Indeed, at YOUR expense. Where this leads to is once these councils and govt depts have kitted themselves out with fully electric vehicles, again at YOUR expense, the environmental finger pointing starts again at those people who are still operating IC engined vehicles that leak oil and coolant on the road which of course goes into stormwater eventually and that's bad bad bad and deserves to be taxed or banned as well. It never stops.

bantam3, Aug 29, 2:26am
No law against washing the outside of your house. Just as much dirt and chemicals come off that, and run off the footpath and drive to the drains.

gypsypom, Aug 29, 3:07am
they can go get knotted i'm still gona wash mine

mileyfan73, Aug 29, 3:24am
LOL that's a Friday Funny.Councils,what a joke,they have NO power whatsoever to make any rulings and laws on anything.Rates are an illegal tax,parking fines are null and void,never pay them a cent.I'd keep washing my car every weekend in my driveway stuff them.

trogedon, Aug 29, 3:31am
Cars create and pick up many more toxins.

elect70, Aug 29, 3:37am
How about those without a lawn wash it on the councils . ? Pity all those DIY carwash things they had at stations all disapeared &replaced with expensive drive throughs that arent nearly as good , Wouldnt want to be doing it too often Im sure all those nylon brushes & flappy straps wizing around will eventually stuff your paint