Any hints on buying a new car?

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mals69, Dec 4, 3:45pm
Probably already been to printers for the firesale signs

tamarillo, Dec 4, 5:29pm
If it's a new popular model or already heavily discounted older one, no.
Even with a slow mover that sounds like a crazy big ask.
Like others say it's deal that matters.
Which Mazda thinking. Worth looking at whether it's been updated lately or due an update.
All current Mazda s are damn good cars so if they've been good for you stay with them I say.

brapbrap8, Dec 4, 5:39pm
To put a towbar on a modern car involves adding new computers and a lot of dedicated wiring.
If you just bolt it on and splice the plug for the lights into the wiring for the vehicles tail lights you will get lots of issues with safety equipment malfunctioning and the lights probably wouldn't even work.

3tomany, Dec 4, 5:49pm
ford usually do 12% if you have a farmlands card and i think they also do a discount for aa members. Sometimes just being gst registered can get a good discount, otherwise buy an x demonstrator some only have a few hundred ks on the clock.

3tomany, Dec 4, 5:54pm
be prepared to walk away if you are not comfortable. Let the sales staff chase you. dont be sucked in by the old you wont get your colour trick as they make thousands of them every day so it is just a matter of waiting for the next boat which will be on the water already. good luck

tintop, Dec 4, 6:25pm
lol - they bought some, stole the rest.
Now to turn that 'purchase model' into buying a car :)

owen106, Dec 4, 6:28pm
It was confiscated.

kazbanz, Dec 4, 10:29pm
tintop wrote:

lol - they bought some, stole the rest. quote]
Unlike the maori method--Just murder the owner and drive away.

socram, Dec 4, 11:53pm
Exactly. Not so long ago you got a specialist like North Shore tow bars to make up a bar ($300) and your local auto electrician to make a proper job of the wiring. (Maybe another 2 or 3 hundred?). Not today.

stevo2, Dec 5, 1:37am
When I bought my new iLoad, I got them to install the towbar that has the light protectors and steps that you can stand on to access the roof racks.
That cost $850 all up (supplied by Best Bars).
I also priced up a VW and the standard towbar was around$2k or $2.2k.

bootsy2003, Dec 5, 11:47pm
Spent 2 hours at Blackwells. Really like the Mazda 2 GLX. No Dynamic blue in stock so would have to wait 8-10 weeks. Dropped price by $1k but pitiful trade in price. Still thinking on it

tamarillo, Dec 6, 12:36am
Latest 2 is a damn good little car. Popular in Aussie and well liked by journos too.
Nearest alternative may be fiesta. Possibly worth a look to help you decide.

survivalkiwi, Dec 6, 12:48am
That is up to the individual. All items we buy depreciate( most loose all value as soon as we take ownership). I personally have no problems walking into a dealer and buying a brand new vehicle and choosing the colour and extras I want and knowing that it will cost me money. But I do get what I want. And that feeling is fantastic.
So op. Go and choose the brand new car you want and enjoy it.

kazbanz, Dec 6, 12:55am
So why not take the trade out of the whole conversation then.?
Just to be sure--what is the trade in vehicle? -year/make/model and what were you offered?
It may be you'll get better money selling privately.

3tomany, Dec 6, 3:09am
That is awesome it gives you 8-10 weeks to get more for your trade on trademe and they will be stuck with their offer if you fail to get more. WIN WIN

3tomany, Dec 6, 3:11am
put it on here for 1k more than trade as a start bid i bet it sells

3tomany, Dec 6, 3:14am
one more question. Did they show you the stock list? i bet they are bluffing, if i am wrong their computer will prove it

jmma, Dec 6, 3:42am

kazbanz, Dec 6, 3:54pm
ya can't deny that's what the Maori did to the Moriori

jmma, Dec 6, 4:11pm
Nah lets not have that discussion here Kaz, just keep talking about cars etc aye (o:

elect70, Dec 6, 5:13pm
Better to buy a year old car as depreciation is most in first year . Oh & buy mechanical /electrical warranty , posts on here about horrendous prices for things like remotes $600

3tomany, Jul 22, 12:30pm
i dont think any warranty will cover damaged remotes, New cars get a three year warranty