Toyota Corolla temp gauge

frank1, Feb 9, 1:25am
1991 model 1600--temp gauge reads zero when driving,then creeps up to just below 1/2 way,accelerate then goes back to zero,and flucurates
Temp sensor prob?

franc123, Feb 9, 1:34am
More likely a bad connection to the sender, clean and retension the terminal. Have seen this before on Toyotas with the single wire temp sensors.

andy61, Feb 9, 2:00am
Could be the thermostat requires replacement,easy to replace.

jmma, Feb 9, 2:04am
How long have you owned the car?
What is the radiator condition?

frank1, Feb 9, 2:38am
Radiator is ok(fin wise),but coolant is brown,and have just bought the car.
Will check connection to sender and flush cooling system

msigg, Feb 9, 2:41am
No as above will be the thermostat. Simple.

jmma, Jun 27, 1:58am
Will be partial blocked radiator and no thermostat.
You on the right track, a good flush, new thermostat and inhibitor. Then another 200k of trouble free motoring (o: