Motorbike WOF testers

mals69, May 30, 5:16pm
Went for WOF yesterday at a On The Go and was told
no longer doing motorbikes WOF's as motorbike
WOF tester gone.
What is the go these days do you to find a
WOF inspector that has passed some motorbike
WOF exam or can your local garage with WOF
ticket still do motorbike WOF's ?

toyboy3, May 30, 5:57pm
look for garage that is motor bike qualified there is not many of us general garages that can do them

cagivachick1, May 30, 7:38pm
most motorbike shops with a workshop would do wofs

bitsy_boffin, May 30, 8:10pm
McLean's on Main South Road across from Springs road intersection do bikes, entrance around the back (go down next to the BP).

tamarillo, May 31, 1:34am
I think they want a rider to do it, what if they smashed it and the guy couldn't shouldn't ride? Makes sense to me they'd only do bikes if they have a rider there to do it.

a.woodrow, May 31, 1:36am
Funnily enough the AVI's that are endorsed to carry out bike inspections also have motorbike license's.

ladatrouble, May 31, 2:48am
They have tightened up on motorcycle inspectors - to stop VTNZ sending their guys out for a learners license so they can do bike WoF's. Now you have to have worked as a motorcycle mechanic or show enough involvement with motorcycles to show comprehensive knowledge. Grandfathered so all those guy who've just done a learners course can still issue them. but there will be less and less motorcycle testers out there.

urbanrefugee54, May 31, 3:52am
AA Hornby, Suzuki at Main Sth roundabout both do motorbike warrants. so will all of the main testing stations. although I live at west Melton, I have the choice only of Kirwee, bike shop in Darfield, AAhornby . used to be one down Carmen Rd, but it's now a AA work shop.

motorboy2011, May 31, 5:04am
Have you tried on the go shirley? At least 2 of the guys there ride

mals69, May 31, 4:58pm
Cheers for the answer and suggestions where togo - went to
VTNZ Northwood after the no go Shirley On The Go.
Two of the guys that worked at Shirley OTG were now at
VTNZ Northwood.

xs1100, May 31, 5:50pm
yes but learners can only wof a bike to 650cc and only lams approved ones

mals69, May 31, 6:50pm
It all seems bit odd to this cowboy why someone
that can do car WOF's cannot do bike WOF's when there
is bugger all to a bike ?

cone1, Aug 17, 4:15am
Most VTNZ branches do motorcycle WOF's and Rangiora Mazda