How often do I need to change oil. Do mostly short trips
Jul 17, 12:02am
10,000km or 6 months is what I would do (o: Oh and filter.
Jul 17, 12:06am
Thank you and yes of course filter as well. I only do 10,000nkms annually so will get onto it soon.
Jul 17, 2:14am
Do a drain and refill of the transmission every 20k as well, much cheaper than a new transmission
Jul 17, 2:16am
Thanks woodrow I found that out
Jul 17, 4:28pm
What engine is it? 2.4 or 3.0l If it was me just bought the vehicle I would change the transmission oil and change the oil/filter right away. I'd put a cheap oil in and run the vehicle for a week. THEN I'd change the oil again and put decent oil in. That will hopefully take any built up condensation out of the engine. Then service every 10000km or every year. Transmission Id do every four years.
Jul 17, 4:38pm
transmission should be serviced correctly as bets option , quite a lot still have bands to adjust and all have a filter on automatic transmissions who need to be changed. plus honda have there own extreem expensive transmission fluids and not the cheap GM dextron type fluids like most old transmissions use.
Jul 17, 5:17pm
There is nothing on this car's transmission that can be adjusted. The filters are internal and can't be changed either (god knows why they did that).
All you can do is change the fluid really.
Jul 17, 5:27pm
Years ago Jaguar mechanic and racing driver Sybill Lupp gave me good advice: do all the lubrication jobs twice as often as it says in the book! I change the engine oil and filter in our V6 Accord every 5000-6000 km (once a year) and use Castrol Magnatec 10W-40 with the approval of local Honda engineers. It does mostly local running but gets good open road workouts as well. The same advice goes for transmission oil. And frequent servicing probably helped my Triumph 2000 to reach 199000 miles before it needed just rings and bearings.
Jul 17, 6:31pm
Usefull info above Question I was looking at buying a 2000 Odyssey 4 cylinder Vtec. On the dash i noticed the SRS Airbag is on. $ 70 to hook it up to a diagnostic machine, find out which sensor is faulty Are these expensive to replace. ! Heard that this can be very expensive to fix
Jul 17, 6:33pm
The one i was looking at to needed the Trans fluid flushed Filters internal ? that is weird
Jul 17, 7:11pm
yep, the transmissions look like this on the inside:
Depends on what sensor is faulty in these. Most common SRS fault for this model is one of the front seat buckles (have a micro switch in them to plays up), then could be a front seat belt then least likely is the main SRS computer/module.
Jul 18, 3:12am
The filter is more of a strainer, which has a very fine mesh so changing it would be a waste of time anyway. A regular flush is the way to go.
Jul 18, 3:13am
No they don't.
Jul 18, 3:20am
No bands on this one, they have clutch packs. Filter not serviceable. Drain and refill is 3L, Honda sells the trans fluid in a three litre pack. Definitely worth changing more often than the factory specs. $90 for the oil is cheaper than $2k for a second hand transmission fitted
Jul 18, 6:19am
I would be very wary about buying an old Honda Odyssey that was fitted with a towbar as these vehicles have weak auto-transmissions. To try and increase the lifespan of my 1995 Odyssey, I replace 3 litres of the auto-trans fluid every 10,000km as I don't want to pay $3k or $4k to have the auto-trans repaired. Knowing what I know now about old Odyssey's; I would choose a Toyota Estima although it would have to be made after year 2000 so that it has a decent safety rating.
Jan 26, 11:20am
The most likely cause is the drivers seatbelt sensor. Its a common issue with that model.
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