TomTom 5100 or 6100 - I will be buying one of these before my next overseas trip because you can download extra international maps for free.
I have a Garmin and a TomTom at the moment, the TomTom seems to be better for finding addresses around the city but the Garmin better out of town (and it has a few extra things I like like the altitude etc).
Nov 26, 3:10pm
. Which will suck the crap out of your mobile data. Better to get a dedicated GPS through your credit card points for cheap or free.
Nov 26, 3:15pm
There are options available that will work offline (Here maps is a decent one)
Also even online doesn't use a lot of data in the scheme of things so long as you don't have satellite view switched on
Nov 26, 4:07pm
Have a TomTom and a Garmin, TomTom is useless as it wont tell you the street until after you have passed it by about 50 meters. Have had both running together to verify and Garmin is correct every time. To show how useless the TomTom is, it tells us to take the ferry when going north from Otaki to Bulls on SH1. The TomTom has been back to the agent twice for "recalibration" but the retailer wont accept it is not fit for the purpose under the CGA.
Nov 26, 4:24pm
Just come back from USA Route 55. Used iphone every day for 24 days with built in maps, worked fine. Data usage, not much more than I use here in NZ surfing Trade Me! It did however cost me $5 per day roaming, but I did make calls/texts etc as well. So probably wouldn't buy a GPS, but if you can get a freebie go for it. I personally like TomTom, as when you come up to a major intersection, or where there could be confusion as to which lane to be in, it changes to a photo view with an arrow to show where to go. The smart phone version told me which lane to be in in USA (important as offramps go from both sides and highway could be 6 lanes), but doesn't here, but no issue as we don't have the multi lane issue to the same degree.
Nov 26, 5:44pm
iPhone or decent Android phone with Google Maps and have a decent data plan (who doesn't these days?).
Makes it so much easier if you're traveling through multiple countries - no need to purchase additional country maps (like I had to do with my TomTom) and improvements/alterations to roads are updated right away on Google, it even tells you where heavy traffic is and which route to take to avoid it.
Nov 26, 6:29pm
I have a basic Garmin GPS somebody gave me and it has the lane directions and things. I used it about twice and now it is in the glovebox of the car and hasn't been used in years, I just use my iPhone.
Nov 26, 10:00pm
I have a Tom Tom and find just the tells me exactly how far the next turn off is,the name of the road,which direction to look out for,which lane to chose,My speed and the speed limit of that road,the elapsed time from start and the expected arrival time.I just can't get it to tell me if they are home or not. it will also tell me where the nearest ATM,service station,doctor,or any other point i want to know,i don't use them all because i can't be bothered looking for them.The only thing it won't do is make a Flat White.
Nov 26, 10:31pm
yup, first time Ive heard that one, ours is reliable as. If I had to buy another GPS Id only consider these 2. Tom and Tom
Nov 27, 12:19am
I have a navman, now 5 years old, never had any issues with it, unlike the uniden peace of junk i had first. 3 examples before i got my money back, it got lost regularly sending you the opposite direction to right one, showed you as driving thru buildings and paddocks beside roads, took sometimes up to 10 minutes from turn on to find your location(never less than 2), all 3 were the same.
Nov 27, 1:13am
Out with friends at the Fleetwood Mac show on Sunday night, he had a Uniden (no idea which model), useless heap of poo! It put us wrong 3 times trying to go from the Stadium out to by the airport. He nearly threw the bloody thing out the window, I eventually guided him back using google maps on my old Samsung. I kind of can't recommend a Uniden.
Nov 27, 1:31am
Nov 27, 1:43am
Mate; I couldn't agree with you more. My TomTom sits on the dash, talks to me with a sexy Irish accent and is so much more user friendly than an app on my smartphone.
Nov 27, 1:46am
Yes in fact it is so clever i tried to fool it one day ,no most days and it will always find the way home.Even when i deliberately take the wrong road or head in the wrong direction it will imediately reprogram itself to find the new shortest route to where i want to go. I was down in NP a month ago and found the address no problem as it should,when i needed to get out of there i just programed 'home' and it did the rest. Yep Wellington was quite nice,except i was heading for Auckland.
Nov 27, 1:49am
Yes it not only has a sexy Irish accent,it gave me her Ph #.
Sep 4, 5:05am
Ive got Billy Connolly telling me where to go. I know it's only recorded but when I deviate from the planned route I'm sure the voice gets a bit panicky the more warnings he gives, wife thinks the same
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