HONDA CB1300 2004

stekar, Sep 20, 1:22am
can anyone tell me what the light on the dashboard of the motorcycle pic means as it is on all the time

danchop, Sep 20, 1:39am
that the light is blown on the dashboard

stekar, Sep 20, 1:42am
ummmm dashboard lights up all good

m16d, Sep 20, 1:44am
What light is on. ?
I've owned 3 1300's. maybe I can help if you can tell us what light is on.

stekar, Sep 20, 1:46am
its not a light as such but a pic of a motorcycle

m16d, Sep 20, 1:49am

jmma, Sep 20, 1:54am
The one on the digital display I think (o:

gunhand, Sep 20, 1:56am
This will be whats know as the "BIG" version? Is it a coloured light or a blackish pic of the bike? Has it been there all the time or something new. Does it change if you go from trip to full kms showing?

stekar, Sep 20, 2:05am
going by the manual . it is a icon that is set eg. service says 23 days, we just purchased the bike and saw this

m16d, May 30, 8:23pm