I have just bought a KTM 620, 1997 so fairly old. Bought it, no reason to suspect anything dodgy. Good price, nice people. Got it home, livened the rego, went for a ride. Got 13 kms out of it and bang. barrel has a (new) crack all across the right hand side, gasket is poking out the left side between the barrel and the gearbox. Old owner rode it 10 kms to get a new VTNZ WOF, then 10 kms home again, while I was there it was started and revved hard. All good I thought. No oil leaks or anything when inspected, but not long after she's all over and a couple grand to fix. Possibly just really bad timing? Thoughts?. Cheers.
Nov 4, 5:49am
I think you are very unlucky.
Nov 4, 12:43pm
Coolant low. Oil low, stuffed or wrong. Murphy.
In that order.
Nov 4, 1:05pm
IMO very bad luck-
Nov 4, 2:33pm
Two grand sounds a lot to me. Is it normal for these to crack barrels? Or am I missing something?
yes sounds you just have bad timing , now i am for the truth the only other thing it could be a dodgey repair , i dont know if i would pull it apart first and then talk to the last owner or talk to them first. . maybe better to talk to them first if they have done any repairs done on it while they owned it?
Nov 4, 4:45pm
just immagin a moron whom knows from tv adds about consumer guarantee ads and what they would do know .
Nov 4, 4:59pm
here is a war story whom i expirienced 100% what happened. right i work in my mates workshop we service the vw scirocco from the hairdresser women across the road that was years ago before internet and i did not even own a digital camera back then or remotly think of taking pictures right we just finished servicing it my mate shifts it in reverse and wants to move it out and the engine makes a noise and stops. all over . so we spend 1h try to figure what just happened the timing belt had jumped a tooth but why . i found the problem a bolt from the clutch pressure plate had come out and jammed in between there i spoted it with a torch in to the cover hole of the tdc mark on gearbox , i amnaged to fish it out of there and it started but sounded lumpy after timing belt was back on . Id had bent a valve . now how to explain to the customer what just happened. She was a understanding longtherm customer and never had much luck with what ever she owned . she also had a toyota 4 runner whom did not last long the best car she owned was the ford sierra . the vw a few years later had a wiring fire and then soon after a rod knock= the end of it she had enough . So yea i know things can go wrong when you least expect.
Nov 4, 5:00pm
If it's water cooled it sounds a bit like the cylinder filled with water quickly causing it to 'hydraulic' which cracked the barrel?
Nov 4, 10:21pm
All checked before riding.
Nov 4, 10:21pm
A new barrel alone is 800 odd, then there's a piston kit, gaskets, labour etc etc.
Nov 4, 10:22pm
No water in the oil when I drained it. It seems to have stayed in the top end.
Nov 4, 10:24pm
This is what I'm thinking too. I've had an excellent run out of almost all of my vehicles so am not too upset, but I'd rather be out there riding the bloody thing than it be in the shop!
Cheers all.
Nov 5, 3:14am
Have you pulled the head & cylinder off it or is it still assembled. Just asking as wonder if it's broken a Rod! . Not taking KTM but back before they were thought of i broke two rods in my old BSA B33 single, but stupid thing was both times i'd been giving it a hard time in scrambles [MX] & then a mate gets on just cruising on a fairly light throttle & BANG, flattened exhaust pipe & bent front down tubes, similar the second time but different bike a few years later. Only mention that thinking maybe it's been ridden hard [as they're made for] then [were you] just cruising & Bang. Doesn't make sense i know--so ignore all the above. Cheers--or tears! .
Nov 5, 11:34am
How many kilometres does the bike have on it?
Oct 30, 7:14pm
Hmmm, real tricky and simply terrible luck.
Normally on any given motor that has been worked (if it has been worked etc) is then to "Run it in", can take quite a considerable amount of time at a certain speed etc. then do a full check.
Find out what has recently been done first and if very recent then perhaps there is something to argue but need to chat nicely and get more info.
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