Honda stream window

karl106, Jun 26, 12:37am
hi there I have a honda stream and the drivers window is playing up as we I go to put it up it goes up a little the goes straight back down and it keeps doing that can yous help please

kazbanz, Jun 26, 1:32am
try holding the button up till it goes to the top then hold it up for 5 seconds longer.

lookoutas, Jun 26, 2:55am
It's called - Resetting it by Braille.

You might have to reverse the process by putting it down, and holding the button for 5 seconds.
When it starts working OK, you'll think you know how it works.

Had this notion that my Subaru might unlock the boot if I held the unlock button on the key, but all I heard was a whirring noise. Had a look to see where it was coming from, and the bloody drivers window was going down.
Locked it and held that button down, and the window goes back up!

It must say that somerhere in the manlel, but I can't lead it!

karl106, Jun 26, 4:03pm
thanks all I will try it now it goes up near the top then goes straight back down grrrrrrr

kazbanz, Jun 26, 4:16pm
sorry I got distracted.-Put window DOWN to the very bottom Hold it down for 5 seconds. Put it right UP then hold it for 5 seconds. see what happens then

intrade, Apr 24, 4:32am
did you check if the window struggles to move?
what year is this car because in the 90s i dont think there was mutch electronic programming that stuff only started 2005 onwards where all cars are the same nightmare now for problems with crap like this.
its exactly why i got a dacia with manual lever to wind up windows in 2011