Motor bike theory test

emmerson1, Jan 18, 5:20am
Must score 32/35 or more. 6 months and 16 years 6months before you can do Restricted, then 18 months and be 18 years before you can do full. New Competency Based approach brings the times down to zero for your restricted, and 17 1/2, 12 months for full licence.

All on the NZTA website - which you should be reading;

smac, Jan 18, 5:54am
Curious as to which you think are ambiguous. ?

trumptrader, Jan 18, 6:41am
Hey Paul, have you tried to prepare for your theory test as it helped me pass mine. Also you will need to do a Basic Handling Skills course before you sit it, if you haven't done so already.

brummoi, Jan 18, 1:07pm
The test isn't hard - just make sure you swot the road code and especially the motorcycle specific bits, of course. Enjoy!

paull, Jan 18, 2:02pm
Emmerson,& trumptrader , yes have just being looking at those sites and the driving tests site is great, thx for the replys

paull, Jan 16, 6:57pm
how many questions are you allowed to get wrong for a pass, or is it 100%.
also if you pass and get a learners then how long before you can do the restricted and then the full test, thx

kecal, Aug 4, 12:01pm
some dip shit questions in there sunshine , can have two answers depending on how you look at them.
i think its 3 wrong only on your learners out of 35 questions.