Full car licence but want motorbike licence

geminidragon, Apr 20, 10:03pm
do i only have to do a practical and ride a 250cc for 6 months

kazbanz, Apr 20, 10:16pm
No you don't-you have to go through the same steps as if you never had a licence at all.
Basic skills and handling test first
Then you do a full class 6 (motorcycle) theory test.
That gives you a learner licence,
Then you do a practical ride test a few months later that gives you your restricted. Nowadays a restricted licence really means nothing much in practical terms as you have the same size bike restrictions and can't carry passengers.
Then a few months more and you can sit your full licence which means ride anything and can carry passengers.

brapbrap8, Apr 20, 10:19pm
There is no 250cc limit anymore, they go by power to weight now so there are quite a few 6-700cc bikes learners can ride now.

tamarillo, Apr 20, 11:51pm
Both correct. You can ride a moped 50 cc now. Instead of 250 it's called lams approved and there's some great bikes lams approved.

kecal, Apr 21, 12:08am
up to 660cc

tintop, Apr 21, 12:19am
Hehe -how things have changed - I went for my learners on a 1975 Ducati 750 Sport. :) Full licence the day before the 250 rule came in :)

tony9, Apr 21, 1:48am
I have a car license and that allowed me to use a motor cycle under 50 cc. Law changed and I signed a form to say I had driven a motor cycle, so I was issued with a full motor cycle license. That was about 50 years ago.

timmo1, Apr 21, 2:10am
I recently got a learners motorbike. which means I now have a learners colored full car license. I feel like a teenager/loser every time I take my blue license haha.

xs1100, Apr 21, 3:30am
yes had one of those for ahhhh the last 25 yrs for my m/cycle

tamarillo, Apr 21, 4:00am
but only if LAMS approved, it's not on cc alone.

deboo, Apr 21, 11:32pm
No advantage going from learners to restricked other than countdown to full.
found keeping the L plates most people give you a little more room always the odd idiot though.

ml6989, Apr 22, 4:44am
How times have changed. I remember my late father telling me he got issued his motorcycle licence by the local blacksmith. That was about 1935!

ianab, Apr 22, 4:52am
I have a very official looking Cook Island licence, for a motorcycle. :D

Getting it involved riding a scooter to the back of the police station, twice, without running into any road cones.

mrfxit, Apr 23, 3:43pm
Early 70's.
All done same day for car & motorbike full licence

23/25 questions
5 minute ride/drive around the block

d.snell, Feb 26, 2:49pm
Got mine in 1972, Traffic Cop stood in footpath and told me to ride up the road for 100 yards and do a U-turn with hand signals, without putting my foot down, and come back.
Off I went, did my test and when I got back, the TC was nowhere to be seen. Got off my bike and found him in the smoko room having a cuppa. He asked me how I got on, I said fine and he said "that's good then" and issued my full licence.