Looking to buy a New shape Nissan primera

steveo351, Sep 28, 10:03pm
Hi all
2001 to 2003 primera station wagon.or higher if the price isn't too bad.
Does anyone know if these are still a good reliable car? Im staring clear of the CVT trans.
Anything I should watch out for?

tamarillo, Sep 28, 10:14pm
Aren't they all CVT?

cjdnzl, Sep 28, 10:17pm
Nothing wrong with cvt. My 1998 Primera with 140,000 up has a perfect cvt. Early on, cvt's were buggered by ignorant oil-changer mechanics that used ordinary transmission oil instead of the proper oil - result, buggered transmission, and not the cvts fault. Cvt's are smoother and nicer to drive than other boxes, and are very economical, as they always keep the motor at optimum revs for the power demand.

steveo351, Sep 28, 10:17pm
im not sure, I hope not as Ive heard no good stories about the cvt

vtecintegra, Sep 28, 10:22pm
I think only the 4wd had a normal auto. There are a few manuals about, but they are very few and far between.

As for the CVT the one in the basic P12 is awful IMO - it'll only take five minutes behind the wheel for that to become clear.

cjdnzl, Sep 28, 10:24pm
Go drive one, rent one if you can and try it out. There's my good story just above your post.

onlineauto, Sep 28, 10:54pm
I personally would steer clear, have one coming up for sale if you really want, its not cvt but have had to have auto rebuilt, have had another engine fitted as well due to blown headgasket & Head failed test upon machining, now replacement engine is having issues, heads just been done, fingers crossed this time. We may have got a lemon to be fair, but I'd go for a Corona or Caldina if I got the choice again

monaro17, Sep 29, 4:07pm
At work we had 3 Primera wagons all with the cvt and all were horrid to drive. That trans is awful- anyone who likes it needs to source professional help. Also up until 2 years ago when the last one was sold all three of them had been totally reliable except for the transmissions. All of them had many trips back home on a tow truck. Totally unreliable transmission. And yes all were serviced on time and at the local Nissan dealer.

steveo351, Sep 29, 6:41pm
Thanks everyone for your comments.
I might have to look at something else if all the primeras have a CVT (bugger)
Any suggestions on what else I should look at?
Wanting to spend no more than 5k, I drive 400ks a week to work and back and its 90% high way

daryl14, Sep 30, 12:01am
Check out passat wagons of same vintage.

tamarillo, Sep 30, 12:54am
Assume you want a wagon?
Mondeo 2001 plus can be had with Lowish miles. Great open road. If you can handle smaller focus wagon.
Passat as said. Golf wagon.
Peugeot 307 wagon, again good open road.
Mazda 6/attenza if you can find one without huge miles for money. Not Mazda 3 as notorious for road noise.
Honda Accord wagon. Great car.
Myriad subarus though bad rep for liking petrol in older ones.
If you like oddities and have sympathetic workshop nearby, Citroen c5 hatch. Superb open road car.

clifford54, Apr 13, 9:16pm
Leave them alone nothing but trouble they are a peugot not nissan made you would be bettre to get a primea gze up to year 2000 after that not the best gearbox cvt poor some people will dispute what i say but i have been invold with nissan products for over 30 years