Motorbike Lay-by option

bootylicious5, Jan 5, 3:13pm
Hi I'm just wondering if anybody knows anywhere I could go to buy a second hand dirt bike that would possibly have a lay-by option for payment. I can pay an initial deposit and then payment over 4-6 weeks maximum. Any help appreciated. Thank you

countrypete, Jan 5, 3:15pm
I think most dealers would offer that.

kazbanz, Jan 5, 6:52pm
Booty-as long as its layby -ie the dealer keeps the bike till paid for then I can't think of a dealer that wouldn't do that. -But it would likely be an ironclad contract -no backing out.

tigertim20, Jan 6, 1:28am
why cant you wait the 6 weeks and pay in full?

lookoutas, Jan 6, 1:34am
Don't do it with Dick Smiths

sw20, Jan 6, 1:40am
Because someone might buy the bike before they have all the money?

tigertim20, Jan 6, 1:45am
perhaps you should re read the first post. OP asks of anywhere that might do this. not for a specific bike at a specific place.

msigg, Mar 18, 8:22pm
use the credit card, no interest for 1 month.