6bt cummins fuel bleed

domaine, Dec 30, 3:01am
I have 667 skidder and first time have to bleed fuel system
Be better to know how before I try and waste battery ?
I also have Detroit skidder and to bleed fuel , just pressurize tank and start so very easy.
Any advice be appreciated thanks.

mrcat1, Dec 30, 3:16am
There is a bleed screw on top of the fuel filter housing, open that and then pump the manual pump on the lift pump until fuel comes out, tighten the bleed screw and kick it in the guts.
It should bleed any other air in the system automatically as its running.

domaine, Dec 30, 4:47pm
Yes thanks, I had tried that, I have loosened low pressure fuel pipe on injector pump and then 4 injector pipes, went through this 3 times , try to start each time and it did start finally too.

mrcat1, Apr 11, 12:22pm
You only want to undo the low pressure lines, here's a little info to help.
