Motor home who to insure with?

shaendix, Aug 15, 3:02pm
Currently market value policy with AMI who have reduced value of vehicle over past 10 years to now $7K (purchased for $27K) Similar vehicles still sell for around $20K plus (depending on mods). Could get a new valuation and negotiate with AMI but would like to avoid the hassle, Should I simply change insurers and who to? Bus is partly modified but not full conversion.

tintop, Aug 15, 4:06pm
Covi Insurance. They specialise in motor homes.

Check with them for discounts if you have New Zealand Motor Caravan Association membership.

robbief, Aug 15, 10:46pm
Join NZMCA and get covi they are for motor homes.

tony9, Aug 16, 12:20am
We were in NZMCA and checked with Covi to insure our big US Caravan. We stuck with AMI, it was cheaper and had better cover.

petermcg, Aug 16, 2:01am
Motorhome Insurance is so expensive for a vehicle that is not always on the road that we dont bother with it.

rollerman1, Aug 16, 2:21am
We insure our motor home with Campercare. We have found them to be excellent and will give you agreed value cover. Much cheaper than covi even with NZMCA membership. for details.

shaendix, Aug 16, 10:51pm
Thanks for the advice will look into both Covi and Campercare.

tintop, Aug 16, 11:06pm
Yes, I will give them a call too.

captaink, Aug 18, 4:29am
'We were in NZMCA and checked with Covi to insure our big US Caravan. We stuck with AMI, it was cheaper and had better cover'
. that is very very surprising. Do you have a lot of other policies with them?
When I was a dealer the only Company that ever came close to Campercare or Covi was FMG and obviously they carried fairly large cover for their rural clients. most 'general' companies didn't really want to know and more importantly didn't really understand or want to comprehend the nuances of the cover required, CamperCare and Covi know the industry inside out.

399, Jul 23, 10:10pm
I use Camper Care and found them excellent plus cheaper than all the other insurance companies. I have a couple claims and there has never been a hassle.