Buying a new car with cash.

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cpqp, Feb 11, 3:38am
If you went to a dealership to buy a brand new vehicle. How much do you think you could reasonably expect to get off the price by paying actual cash? I'm looking at one with a sticker price of $52000


vtecnet, Feb 11, 3:42am
The same as if you paid by Bank Deposit.

franc123, Feb 11, 3:47am
Very little if anything, it will probably raise more eyebrows than anything else and might even make them want to call the cops before handing the car over. Not hard to guess why.

pauloc, Feb 11, 3:47am
How does it matter how you pay? It's not the 1970s. You won't be doing the dealer any favour. He won't care how you pay as long as you pay.
Are you accusing the dealer of being a tax dodger?

morrisman1, Feb 11, 3:49am
do you mean cash as in a box of $20 notes, or you mean not on finance?

cpqp, Feb 11, 3:53am
Not accusing anyone of anything. Was just wondering as I've often heard people say that sometimes you can get a better deal (not just cars) when buying as a cash buyer so wanted to see if it held any truth. Maybe bank deposit and cash are the same as apposed to financing.

cpqp, Feb 11, 3:53am
Not on finance. Counting out 50 k in notes would take a long time lol

cpqp, Feb 11, 3:55am
Oh I see where the problem is my first post shouldn't say "actual cash" it should just say cash as in not financing buy paying in full

supernova2, Feb 11, 3:57am
In general terms the seller couldn't care less how you pay as long as you pay so why would the seller care were you get your funds from. In the case of cars the dealer will get a small fee from the finance coy so in that case funds wise finance is a better deal for a dealer. IMHO if you don't need to do a trade in you will get a better deal but cash or finance wont make the slightest difference.

woki, Feb 11, 4:01am
Don't take a big bag of actual cash in , it will cost them to bank it ! Better to just negotiate a " cash price " and pay by cheque . Will be easier for everyone . That is unless you are a drug dealer and need to launder cash in which case I am sure the dealer will oblidge . he may even give you a " Cash discount " ;)

phillip.weston, Feb 11, 6:05am
dealers would probably give you more of a discount on finance and they get a commission from the finance company for each sale.

robotnik, Feb 11, 7:25am
Rather than asking for a discount on the sticker price you might do better if you can get the dealer to throw in some extras at no cost like say under body rust coating, car mats, metallic paint, a spare tyre (lots of cars don't have these anymore), a subscription to roadside assist, etc.

twink19, Feb 11, 11:09am
friend of mine got $20k off his new X5, offered the money then walked out, they called him back, so always haggle

jason18, Feb 11, 12:10pm
What kind of car. I have found ford do way better deals than Toyota. But that may have been what I was buying.

tamarillo, Feb 11, 12:27pm
Nothing, what do they care.
If it's offered at no interest deal like fiat are doing then I guess cash will discount, but not actual notes, bank deposit is fine, or Eftpos.
Unsure if they get cut from finance deals but assume they would if it was with a third party financer, so now they lose a commission.
Be interesting to get your findings back.

tamarillo, Feb 11, 12:29pm
So they should for buying an X5.

twincam1, Feb 11, 1:23pm
I always pay cash and always get plenty of discount. If I was buying that vehicle for $52000 I would expect $5000 discount or tell them to get stuffed.

3tomany, Feb 11, 2:18pm
5000 of a 52000 dollar vehicle is not enough unless there is something else in the deal as well 15% should be the minimum at the mo some fleet buyers get up to 30% off

3tomany, Feb 11, 2:21pm
it makes no difference to the deal as whether you pay on pick up or finance it the dealer still gets paid the same day, in fact most dealers get paid for doing the finance so would prefer it.

pandai, Feb 11, 5:48pm
Depends what the car is.

For instance I wouldn't expect any discount at all from Honda.

If I was buying a BMW, I'd take the interest free 25%/year over 4years deal, and invest the rest of the money.

richardmayes, Feb 11, 6:14pm
I'm no negotiator, but one thing we learned when buying our house, was. (1) show an interest. (2) make sure they have your number. (3) make lowball offer. (4) walk away and wait a week or two. Don't call them, they'll come back to you.

The nice thing about buying a car (unlike buying a house) is the options you have. someone else on the other side of town has doubtless got a better example of exactly the same model, for cheaper. ?

kazbanz, Feb 11, 6:34pm
I don't sell new cars but my advice is exactly the same as if you were buying used.
I genuinely feel that asking a generic "how much discount? " is um well pretty silly.
it strongly suggests you have done apsolutely zero market research.
Sorry I am not meaning to insult you but you really do need to put in some legwork to get the very best deal you can.
First of all I must tell you that a $52000 ticketed car will cost you $52500 to $54000 depending on the dealerships ORC (the little tiny box in the corner of the advert)
Second question would be how long has that particular vehicle been available?
Third When is the new model due to be released?
fourth Has the vehicle already been discounted?
fifth--what spec level is it?
Is it a "run of the mill" vehicle or something special.
What are they selling for elsewhere?
All of these factors need to be looked at before making an offer to buy.
Basically ---there is NO generic answer but doing your research will give you the tools to make an educated offer

3tomany, Feb 11, 6:47pm
Very well put kaz. Buying new you have the advantage of time don't let the sales team tell you it is the last one they will be making thousands of them every day. This gives you lots of time to compare

timbo69, Feb 12, 2:05am
Most of your ranger/colorado/hilux 4x4 utes have recommended price of mid 60k and a bit of negotiation will get you into the high 40k bracket - They dont care how you pay, as suggested you may do better deal on finance due to the "backhanders"
Also you will get better chance of deal if you shop around different dealers in different towns - yes they often compete despite selling same product.

pajanrua, Feb 12, 2:15am
I know this to be true. To the tune of thousands.