Buying a new car with cash.

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richynuts, Feb 12, 2:22am
Go look for a 2nd hand one. probably save 30k+

3tomany, Feb 12, 10:56am
dumb idea

pajanrua, Feb 12, 10:07pm
Just got on to Trade Me to see an ad down the side saying a new Kia Optima LX @ RRP $44k can be bought for $35k. I call that a big discount. That may be an indication that there is scope to suggest anything to anyone. They can only say no.

rbd, Feb 12, 10:56pm
How come whenever someone mentions buying a new car someone comes out and tells them to buy a used one?

I guess some people just have to drag everyone down to their level.

aoc1, Feb 12, 11:03pm
Wait till the ed of the month sales men will want to hit their targets u will be able to get a better deal.

richynuts, Jun 20, 12:50pm
Haha some of the richest people in the world will still not buy a new car. why invest in something that depreciates by $1000's overnight? Besides if op has too ask how much discount hes gonna get on a new car chances are he probably cannot really afford it.