Current Fuel Prices

kiwi_fisherman, Mar 18, 7:37pm
I have just been away for a few days in Taupo. Filled up before leaving at Z $1.73. Taupo $1.94 at various outlets. Cambridge BP $1.98 Turangi Z $1.98
Returned to Wanganui Z still $1.73.
What are you having to pay where you live?

bowla3, Mar 18, 9:12pm
Last Thursday, March 12.
Mobil, BP, and Caltex, Dargaville, $1.94.9
Mobil, Whangarei, $1.62.9
BP Whangarei, $1.71.9

pauloc, Mar 18, 9:41pm
It's about to go up, US Dollar picked to rise over the next few days. Announcement by the Fed tomorrow could make a big difference to our dollar. Having said that though economists have picked eight out of the last three recessions

neell, Mar 20, 3:22am
I'm sitting in a Subway on the Gold Coast, the United gas station next door has has e10 for 129.7 and 91 for 133.7. I topped up earlier today at 125.9 for 91.

NZTools, Mar 20, 3:31am
$1.28 for 91 up here on the Sunshine Coast . lpg is about 75 cents.a.litre

kecal, Mar 20, 3:48am
Z napier suburbs $1.81 for 91

peja, Apr 21, 10:19pm
Gull in Te Irirangi Drive half way between Botany and Manukau is $1.68 for 91.