Imobilizers, GPS trackers, Remote peppersprays ?

tintop, Sep 28, 12:54am
My daughter had her car ( '97 Caldina) stolen from Massey, recovered burnt out the next day in Ranui.

Not heart broken - but intensely pissed off about it all.

Anyway, the car is insured and she will be looking for a replacement.

While the more modern vehicles have factory fitted immobilisers, are there aftermarket immobilisers and/or GPS units that can be fitted to models say later than 2000, up to the dates when factory fitted stuff is common ?

A useful add on would be a remotely controlled pepper/mace spray ? lol

seadubya, Sep 28, 1:01am
Yep, multi point immobilisers and/or gps tracking devices with sim card for text alerts etc, some have back up batteries that will allow you to track for up to a week, even if the thieves take out the car battery, all available on trademe.
Check the South African websites as well, they have loads of anti theft devices that blew my mind if you are serious about a less conventional approach.

johotech, Sep 28, 1:06am
Get yourself a trunkmonkey.

tintop, Sep 28, 1:17am
lol ! I can imagine!

tintop, Sep 28, 1:40am
Armed option ?

johotech, Sep 28, 1:41am
American import ones come fully armed.

fordcrzy, Sep 28, 1:43am
TK103B can be bought on that other site for $60. if you can install a car stereo you can fit one of these. itll text you any alarm activation within 5 seconds and its exact location. if you rig up the imobilser relay you can get it to kill the car(and sound the horn at the same time) the only ongoing cost is the prepay topup for the sim which is $20 per year minimum. best $80 youll ever spend on car security

motorboy2011, Sep 28, 1:45am
I bought one off here. 30 seconds after finding my car gone I had an address. I had wired the ignition cut function to turn the horn on instead of cutting ignition, I activated this when arrived at the address to ensure I was at the right place.

motorboy2011, Sep 28, 1:48am

tamarillo, Sep 28, 2:04am
Nice one.

mrfxit, Sep 28, 3:25pm
LMFAO brilliant job well done.

tintop, Apr 21, 6:07am
Thanks guys - going shopping for a car as soon as insurance is sorted on the stolen one.

There will defiantly be an immobiliser or alarm of some sort. It will be parked on some mean streets for a bit yet - but driveway and garage may be coming sooner than planned.