Towing a non compliable car

petemun, Oct 28, 7:33pm
I need to move my track car about 3km along 50km/h roads. trying to find out if it's legal to tow by car & tow rope but can't find the info online. cheers

martin11, Oct 28, 7:49pm
Probably not if the car is not legal for the road .

petemun, Oct 28, 7:57pm
yeah commonsense I suppose. trying to save $160 on a tow truck haha

socram, Oct 28, 8:01pm
Send an advance party to check that the road is clear!

But as above, no it isn't legal.

petemun, Oct 28, 8:20pm
I did think about running the gauntlet, it's probably safer than most cars on the road but yeah nah. looks like a towies gonna make a quick easy buck

seadubya, Oct 28, 8:25pm
Would 1 hour trailer hire be cheaper?

petemun, Oct 28, 8:44pm
Probably but the last one I hired from the local was too narrow. That was a sad morning haha. I'm in the process of designing a custom trailer now. cheers

kazbanz, Oct 28, 8:48pm
Doya feel lucky punk? WELL DOOYA?

petemun, Oct 28, 8:58pm
far from it haha, may stand out a tad

saxman99, Oct 28, 10:24pm
2am, drive it.

hamhonda, Oct 28, 10:43pm
yer, just drive it, looks like it wouldn't take to long to cover 3km

nightboss, Oct 28, 11:16pm
Use the Shelby & Wright method.

skin1235, Oct 29, 12:10am
just tow it, what cop would ticket you after you explain that you realise it should not be driven on the road ( driven ) and its only 3km to exit point, and yes explain about custom trailer too - keep the attitude right and be prepared for a 2 hr chat about drifting on track etc, you'll have him under the bonnet with a huge smile - if one even takes the time to stop you

lookoutas, Dec 21, 11:18am
You haven't got an A frame?

Mate brought a bonnet in today. He's finally got to the finished stage of a Mini restoration, so he just had to take it for an illegal drive.
Guess what? He forgot to nail the bonnet down!

Been there, done that.