Next weekend we are flying up to Auckland and then driving a car back down to Christchurch. (Staying Saturday night in Wellington and catching an early ferry)
I was looking at the maps and was wondering what is the best way to go. Picton to Chch is a no brainer but I am a at sixes and sevens with the stretch from Auckland to Wellington. unfortunately it isn't going to be a scenic trip just a quick blast down.
Is it best just to follow SH1 or do I follow google maps instructions and turn off at Hamilton and head down through Otorahanga, Whanganui and re-join SH1 at Bulls?
May 17, 2:19am
From Auckland to Welly, SH1 all the way.
May 17, 2:20am
Hamilton, Tokoroa, Taupo, Desert Rd for me.
May 17, 2:21am
Thanks guys- and what do I bank on time wise? 8-9 hours?
May 17, 2:22am
Around 7-hours, non rush hour is good. Rush hour Aucks & Welly, add hour or 2, if your confident enough, best to drive at night, easy traffic & less stressy.
May 17, 2:48am
We will be leaving Auckland around 10-10.30am on Saturday, so hopefully being a weekend it won't be too bad. (Picking the car up from Henderson area), that means arriving in Wellington later in the evening.
May 17, 4:26am
SH1 is the way to go these days, bypasses and extensions have helped to make it a smooth cruise most of the way down. If traffic is busy or I want a change of scenery, I will turn off at Ngaruawahia to head through Whatawhata and down 39 to Otorohanga, then 3 through Te Kuiti, left onto 4 all the way to Wanganui. Takes about the same time but has far less traffic, but far less passing lanes too. A clear run on SH1 will be quicker than a clear run going 39, 3 & 4.
May 17, 4:39am
As others said, SH1 and if I were you, I'd allow at least 8 hrs. Probably do it quicker, but that'll give you time to stop often, stretch your legs, have a feed etc. When you're not used to doing long trips, you'll want a few rest breaks.
May 17, 4:44am
Make sure you turn left onto 1B at taupiri, it will take you through to Cambridge and miss out Hamilton.
May 17, 4:48am
Auckland bottom of bombays on to sh 27 down to tirau and then re-join 1 all the way to welly the trucks go this way for a reason
May 17, 4:49am
invest or borrow a radar detector
May 17, 4:49am
Sounds like fun picking up new car and driving home. Careful not to speed!
May 17, 4:59am
I would leave earlier than your time listed above, you could spend more time driving into Wellington in the dark otherwise. Saturday morning is kids' sports etc in Auckland so the roads can be busy. Plan the biobreaks.
May 17, 5:01am
It's got adaptive cruise control so fingers crossed !
May 17, 5:03am
the earliest I could leave would be around 9.45am- from Henderson/grey lynn
May 17, 5:11am
thanks guys- I have been to Hamilton a few times and just do not like driving through there so if I could give it a miss that would be ideal.
After your suggestions I think I will turn off just after taupiri onto 1B and then re-join SH1 at the foot of Hamilton
May 17, 6:55pm
SH1 turn off just past Ohinewai to Tahuna then Matamata to Tirau , Taupo - wellington cuts out the drag through the back of Hamilton & all the intersections traffic lights etc . saves a good 30 minutes
May 17, 7:16pm
Drive car to wharf. catch airport bus to airport. Catch plane home. meet car at the wharf. Or drive car to onehunga rail yard. taxi to airport fly home meet car at railyard. Not being a smart alec here but dollars wise IMO it adds up better that way. But if driving down. up n over the bombays of course. Head to mata mata then Tirau-personally I'd stop there for breakfast and a gas up of the car.--theres a couple off nice places for bacon and eggs there. Then Taupo. Taupo bypass skips round Taupo township now. Carry on past wairoa. down to bulls . bulls down to wellytown. I do the auck/welly trip reasonably often and its consistently the easiest drive and usually the fastest. I can tell you that anyone saying its 7 hours isn't driving at the speed limit or stopping for gas. BUT timing is everything. getting out of Auckland can chew a lot of time so I'd time it away from either rush hour. Ditto arriving in wellington. The 80km before the motorway to port is through a series of towns and is a single lane road. So avoiding anythis at all like rush hour will reduce times a LOT>
May 17, 10:07pm
smart alec--where did I get waiora from --meant to be desert road-army barracks.
May 17, 10:30pm
Soooo what is it?
May 17, 11:26pm
i think you meant waiouru(i know you did!)
May 18, 12:30am
Nissan Fuga :-)
May 18, 1:47am
This route is a bit different now the expressway is in. Stay on the expressway until the Te Kowhai exit, then that takes you through to Otorohanga. Don't go to Wanganui - take the left turnoff way past National Park that heads to Ohakune, then Waiouru. (Were you might see kaz - but he will probably be way over on the east coast) You're back on SH1 then. The Parapara's are too slow in comparison, even though I believe it's shorter, which is why nav systems try to send you that way.
It's my preference coz I live on the road, and know every inch of it.
The roadworks at the Waitomo turnoff can cause a snarl-up if you finish up at the back of a queue of nana's. Last 2 trips I've been well past the 8 mile before getting clear.
May 18, 2:26am
this .
anyone going via Taupo is on the slow road .
May 18, 2:48am
I know I said I don't want to worry about scenery but jst to trip myself up I would like to go via taupo.
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