Wanted xb falcon rear louvers

hfc2, Oct 22, 9:52pm
Any one know where some are. Thanks in advance

lookoutas, Oct 23, 1:00am
Do you want a convex or a concave louver?

darryl, Oct 23, 1:00am
Your 2 days too late. A louvre for an XC sedan just sold on here and would be the same as XB

mileyfan73, Oct 23, 1:02am
Good luck!Am trying to find some for an EF.I think finding Hens teeth might be easier!But some may turn up eventually.Have you tried some Australian sites/forums?Shipping wouldn't be cheap,but may be more common over there.

lookoutas, Oct 23, 1:13am
You're assuming it's a sedan darryl

ruby2014, Oct 23, 1:33am
We used to buy them years ago from Griffiths Equipment but they no longer have them at all. Very sad.

darryl, Oct 23, 2:47am
To a degree yes, but coupe owners would usually state its for a coupe. We usually do. But you are right, I did make an assumption

hfc2, Jan 4, 3:07am
Thanks all. it is a sedan.