Fuel We Are Being Ripped Off

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melonhead1, Aug 28, 6:57pm
I know I know, I was just having a bit of a tease mate.

Anyhow, I especially hate how the premium differential has crept up over the years.

pestri, Aug 28, 7:28pm
Sorry! its often difficult to differentiate between the ironic tongue in cheek and the idiotic and clueless

elect70, Aug 28, 10:49pm
It was the low margins that partly forced independant stations from contiuing to pump fuel ,& oil cos refusal to deliver to little towns off the main state hiways Unlike the big oil co stations they dont have takeaways , & grocieries to sell at high mark up . Now they have virtually all gone big oil calls the shots & there is no real competition between them .

franc123, Aug 29, 3:06am
That plus getting into bed with the supermarkets with these discount vouchers, they wanted to ensure that the rural fuel dollar got spent on the way home from getting the groceries before leaving town, not with the independent bloke in the country.

intrade, Aug 29, 2:15pm
Fuel price we are not really riped off apart from government whom added more and more tax on fuel hellen clarkistan started this and the other gungster added more also in taxes. Apart from this its OK where we get seriously ripped off is food .
Milk price shouldbe 60 cent a liter in supermarket if we would pay the world market price its only based on this if they raise prices not if it'd supposed to come down its all of a sudden not based on it no more
Same for land rates on property when it goes up its based on value and when value drops 70% then rates stay the same it seems its like in a fascism regime here

intrade, Aug 29, 2:18pm
This is not quite true I know 1 thing where we don't get ripped off and this is consumer electronics computer parts cellphones etc sometimes cheaper then Europe here

woki, Aug 29, 3:35pm
Its the Fecking Govt that's ripping us with the excessive fuel taxes and road user charges

woki, Aug 29, 3:38pm
Totally agree . Anarchy would be better for all !

serf407, Aug 29, 4:16pm

mm12345, Aug 29, 5:57pm
I believe there are quite a few issues with methanol at high concentration, toxicity in handling, corrosive to alloys etc. Some advantages too of course.

It's not surprising perhaps that Methanex are pushing this. They got shafted in the US over use of MTBE (which they produce) as an octane booster, partly because of MTBE contamination of groundwater, but behind it no doubt lobbying by interested parties for the US to go down the route of producing bioethanol and using that as an octane booster instead (ie "E85" etc). It was a dumb move perhaps, as the "carbon footprint" for bioethanol production they way they do it in the US is higher than just using fossil fuel. But hey - it kept farmers and large agricultural corporations in the corn belt happy and won votes, and that's what matters most, apparently.

Petrol can be synthesized from natural gas via methanol - we used to make it here (Motonui). It could be done using biofuel feedstock, or in theory using clean energy to synthesize gasoline from methanol synthesized from atmospheric CO2 - a process with a possible "negative" carbon footprint. Might need a nuke plant to provide the cheap clean energy though.

bill-robinson, Aug 29, 6:35pm
while doing research with thier fuel discout cards?

tintop, Aug 29, 7:25pm
Mobil truck stop card. :)

tintop, Aug 29, 7:31pm
News at midday today was that company margins are in the order of 34c. , highest since xmas.

Labour calling for an investigation, ComCom is busy checking Z buyout of Challenge and too busy at the moment.

tintop, Aug 29, 8:03pm
ooops - margin 38.5 cents.

elect70, Aug 29, 8:41pm
never happen with oil prices so low , even US$ 100 bbl still not high enough to produce synfuel $150 & it would definately be viable . OR govt hikes RUC & taxes way up to force synfuel to go into full production

tony9, Aug 29, 9:21pm
Can you provide a link to justify that?

Last time I looked, fuel and road user charges were pretty much all absorbed by road construction and ACC to cover road accident related medical costs. Has this changed?

mm12345, Aug 29, 9:39pm
True. Lots of ifs and buts. Coal could of course be used for gasoline production (as per Sasol SA). There's enough coal in NZ to supply NZ entire energy needs for 1,000 years. The chance of it happening is close to zero.

melonhead1, Aug 29, 10:02pm
Yeah man, I used to hear that stockdale bloke ripping into them but of late he is all complimentary of the co's.

What a load of shet.
He has been bought alright.

subac2, Aug 30, 1:44am
Today we went for a ride to Rotorua I filled up at Pongakawa BP at $1.99 (91) a litre, however in Rotorua all stations were at $1.78, why are they always cheaper and they are inland from the port.

stevo2, Aug 30, 8:41pm
Servos on the Whakatane side of Rotovegas are $1.78. servos on the Ngongotaha side are $1.95.
Just been through today.
Filled up in Taupo, $1.90
Edit, those prices were for 91 advertised. I filled up with 95/98

intrade, Aug 30, 8:49pm
its a bit like food i wonder often who on earth pays so much for meat in the supermarket. i often go shoppin and buy nothing what so ever , if everyone would do what i do all the meat and dairy products would rot on the supermarket shelfs or be marked down to normal prices , with fuels your more restricted as you can grow your own food but making your own fuel is not possible for anyone.
Also growing your own food the law has passed quite some years ago now that your not allowed to grow your own food from seeds . that will be the next thing getting inforced so you must by monsantos non regermniating seeds once the trade deal for sue of goverments loss of profit is signed.

321mat, Aug 9, 8:17pm
Sadly, you are absolutely spot on.
But unfortunately for us, the organisation who SHOULD be advocating for motorists, the AA, has become such a brown-nose to the Business Roundtable (one read of their dripping with PC magazine will confirm this), has remained very quiet on the issue.