captdave, Feb 5, 9:44pm
Anyone know of a gps I can buy with a 7inch screen that you can read in the daylight

callum.irvine, Feb 5, 10:26pm
If you get one with spoken directions you will find yourself looking less and less at the screen. After trying many GPS I now just use my phone and google maps. The spoken instructions are great, It has advanced lane information, and you can overlay the whole thing on google satellite view rather than a boring old green background. It is fantastic, and it's free.

I guess go for a samsung galaxy note or iphone6+ if you want a larger screen.

brapbrap8, Feb 5, 11:49pm
For a 7 inch screen I think you would need to buy a tablet computer and find a windscreen/dash mount for it.

quickbuck, Feb 5, 11:56pm
7" screen. That will make a huge blind spot if you put it on your dash. I use a Nokia Windows Phone and "Here Drive", it automatically switches between day and night, and also speaks directions. 4.5" screen and it is ample.

nzangel1, Feb 6, 12:22pm
A gps of that size you wouldn't mount on the windscreen would you?

thewomble1, Feb 7, 5:34am
TOMTOM make a 6 inch GPS.

quickbuck, Jun 30, 11:07pm
So you look down into the cabin to read it?
Now that is safe. Not.