Kaz plz, 2005 Honda Edix 2000L

poppajn, Mar 17, 10:26pm
Can you tell me anything good or bad about these please

tamarillo, Mar 17, 10:34pm
Kaz, you need to start charging mate!

kazbanz, Mar 17, 11:43pm
I can't think of anything negative to say about them.
IMO they are a fantastic vehicle.
6 seater with lap/diagonal seat belts.
I guess the only negative I can think of is the radio isn't instantly replaceable in some models.
mechanically think 2.0l accord.
They aren't big vehicles but wider than other cars accord wide if you get my drift.
DO get the individual vehicle checked out

mugenb20b, Mar 18, 12:02am
Honda Edix is a nice looking, Japanese version of a Fiat Multipla.

kazbanz, Mar 18, 12:27am
actually --yea bang on.
Normal auto,chain drive 2.0l accord motor/tranz nice shape--not a long vehicle but still a good sized boot

poppajn, Mar 18, 2:06am
Thank's guy's, my daughter is looking at one, she has 4 kid's, so look's roomy enough for them. 76,000 k on it

poppajn, Mar 18, 10:11pm
Not a good boot now, car arrived today with rear pushed in, left the dealer in good condition

zak410, Mar 18, 10:21pm
#7- during transport?
that's no good, anyone taking the blame?

kazbanz, Mar 19, 12:20am
You are kidding me--an accident on the way home?

poppajn, Apr 23, 3:13pm
That's the one.