My bulletproof corolla has bit the dust now -

intrade, Nov 9, 8:06pm
drove almost 200km in first gear lost all but number one gear at 330,000km was hoping for a bad capacitor or shift silanoid problem , but advanced automatic tell me its all mechanical and i will find shiny bits if i remove the sump and shine a torch in the fluid = its over

intrade, Nov 9, 8:12pm
problems is its 20 year old its due for a oil engine oil change now also needs new rear drums as the ones fitted are on limmit and has limmited rust . so putting 2500$ for a rebuild on the trans in to it is not really a viable option. wonder if i have to scrap it or list as 1$ reserve bit reluctant to do 1$ as the last car i got the run abouts by some 12 year old or something and then in the end he said he had no money and said his oncool would take it and i should drive to his oncool 100km away again told him to get fkd and sold it to the wrecker for 50$ the car was a 82 carina sold for 48$ so i even got more and less hassle from scrapper.
then i listed a charade 3 cilinder once with a accident for parts for 150$ no one was interested and then i found out scap metal pay 150 for the car at the time so i put it on the trailer and to the crusher that went also.

kazbanz, Nov 9, 8:42pm
What about tossing a used box in it and a pair of drums?

tamarillo, Nov 9, 9:44pm
What will you replace it with Intrade? This could be interesting.

sr2, Nov 9, 11:01pm
Jeez Intrade mate, you've had such a good run out of that old girl she deserves a proper funeral!

tony9, Nov 9, 11:30pm
Take it back to where you got it from and quote the CGA. A Toyota should do at least 500,000Kms with no service or repairs.

franc123, Nov 9, 11:34pm
I'd be very suspicious of a loss of governor pressure.

intrade, Nov 9, 11:42pm
yes thats what the guy from advanced recons i got first gear and done a converter stall test i could sell it at turners no one would even know it only has 1 gear since they only drive at walking speed.
i am only kidding of course just in case that was not clear

intrade, Nov 11, 3:44pm
well i am not sure what to do but i did bring the istana mb140 out of hold for the mean time. Will see corolla needs a A1 32 L -02 A gearbox i know the gears are there it just dont selects them no more first only and then its free rolling if you take off the gas instead of upshifting to next gear.

sqidlie, Nov 11, 4:32pm
An old school mechanic would have used banana skins by now to fix it or at least long enough to sell it

ema1, Oct 27, 5:10am
I'd do what kaz suggests intrade, there are plenty of them out there and 2nd hand spares are NOT hard to find.
The 1300cc 3speed Automatic boxes ( which the A132L box is) are fairly common, most likely you could pick one up quite cheap and what ever other parts you could get easily too, probably best to grab a whole car cheap as you'd have a good source of spares that way.
The rear brake parts are plentiful and same as the 1600cc rear brakes.