Buying a diesel van RUC ?

toyboy3, May 9, 8:35pm
This van ex private tourist camper the odometer doesn't work , speedo does work
It is showing on the windscreen sticker there is a thousand kilometres credit . Who is liable for the dodged kilometres if the new buyer fixes the odo when purchased

seadubya, May 9, 8:39pm
If it is fixed, what will it be reset to?
Owner is liable for ruc and unlike licensing, liability doesn't start from the day of ownership, so if it is 10,000 behind when you buy it, the new owner has to pay to bring it into credit.
My guess is it has either been intentionally disconnected or a switch has been put in, both illegal, both fairly common. If you reconnect/switch/repair it, then it will start moving again but won't add k's on. Without an odometer, how can you tell the servicing is up to date?

gsimpson, May 9, 8:44pm
Depending on make. Some vehicles were fitted with a separate odo for diesels as required by "The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America"
I seem to remember some importers getting caught out importing wound back vechicles and the odos didn't match.

intrade, May 9, 9:33pm
where is this from camper often have hubometers if they are over 3500kg the hubo is what reads the milage for ruc not the odometer on the dash on these.
A bit more to post 3 the milage is often stored on more then 1 place on electronic dashboards of newer vehicles , like a mercedes has it stored in instrument cluster in the engine controller and in the computer component module where the ignition key fits in to as well.
If you where to reprogramm all these places to the correct milage that you cheat it to then there would be no sign of tampering to be found.
doing so takes greate effort however only usually the dash milage is easy changed to something else, this is how they get caught
Like i got a milage test function on my rosstech vds vw manufacturer level scantool to scan for inconsistent milage readings just like the authoreties can do

msigg, May 9, 9:41pm
Just get the speedo fixed under the 1000k credit and all is well, if you go to carjam and pt in the rego yuo can see when it last had a warrant/cof what the odometer is. easy.

toyboy3, May 9, 9:54pm
I have just carjamed it and the Hyundai odometer has been resting since March 2013

johotech, May 9, 10:14pm
There is a date printed on RUC labels which give a pretty good clue how long it hasn't been updated as well.

So that one is worth thousands less now.

kokako14, May 9, 10:37pm
I think you will find if you purchase a vehicle, you are not liable for past due/unpaid registration/RUC. You just register it from the date of purchase, provided it has a WOF/COF and buy RUC from the current reading on the device used to record, ie speedo or hubmeter. LTNZ follow-up the old owner for past due fees.
Also, if you are registering it now, remember only register it up till July, as from then, ACC levies drop and registration fee reduce.

tweake, May 9, 11:23pm
have a chat to these guys they are well used to those sort of situations.

mrfxit, May 10, 1:01am
100% . . . . . .WRONG

Ruc's liability stay with the vehicle . Always & regardless of who owns it.

Vehicle license liability stays with the last registered owner when ownership is changed.

daryl14, May 10, 3:05am
You would think that ODO not working would be a WOF fail. Pretty easy for the WOF inspector to see what is going on. When did it last have a WOF? And have you actually bought it?

toyboy3, May 10, 3:18am
Not bought it , it was brought to me to fix a noise and I was asked if I want to buy it as the owners are flying out of the country and want rid of it

tweake, May 10, 3:24am
what model van?
i suspect there is a switch hidden somewhere that turns ODO on/off.

daryl14, May 10, 3:29am
So buy it cheap, get the WOF up to date, turn the odo switch back on and sell it. Nobody can guess how many K's it has or hasn't done. And the dodgy owner will be out of the country. What else is there that anybody can do?

toyboy3, May 10, 4:18am
It is a Hyundai h100 , has a couple of barnacles around the roof and windscreen it looks like I would buying work that I don't need

mrfxit, May 10, 4:32am
Odo not working on a diesel IS a fail if the vehicle isn't already fitted with a hub meter

tweake, May 10, 6:25pm
is that digital display? if so its a pro job to fix.

rust around windows, especially front windscreen, unless you got the time and knowhow to fix it all i wouldn't tough it with a 20ft barge pole.
its more than likely leaking down the window and rusting out whats hidden under the dash.

kazbanz, May 11, 3:51pm
Toyboy.--You could be buying a big ol can o worms.
You buy it then get odo working. so YOU are doing the right thing. But then you sell it with dodgy odo reading whats the comeback?

mrfxit, May 11, 5:42pm
I have heard that some Odo's have a back up counter that the tech's can access.
Could be an even bigger can of worms if thats the case

frytime, May 13, 4:56am
I can only find if the speedo issues. Nothing about Odo, that's an enforcement issue. Eg police

ratmax1, Jan 29, 9:04pm
It's the person driving the vehicle that is liable not the owner if it's not up wof std.