Furniture Truck Hire

connect4french, May 18, 9:15pm
Am looking for the most recommended company who hires furniture trucks. Hirepool looks good. any suggestions?

tigertim20, May 19, 2:28am
you are limited by the licence you hold. 10 cubic metre trucks are available at places like hansens and are a class 1 vehicle you can drive with your car licence - look up commercial rentals on google for your area.

ost furniture places have a few 'hourly' options, e.g. you can get 'a truck and two' for $140 an hour - thats a truck and two men for however long you need. usually with a class 2 truck of around 25 cubic metre capacity.

your best bet is to ring around the smal, one man band type companies in your area the big ones like crown and nz van lines will be way more expensive or stuff like this.

Bonus is youll get blokes that know how to stow stuff without breaking your shit to pieces, and transit insurance is an optional extra.

tigertim20, May 19, 2:30am
I see youre in Oamaru - ring hansons rentals on Kaikorai Valley road - theyre your best bet I would think

shelleigh, May 19, 5:13pm
Peter Murdoch here in Oamaru would be worth contacting.

likit, Jan 20, 3:04pm
Get one with a tail lift, make life easier